Wake Up Call

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Samantha's POV

10 days after the attack

     My pillow was vibrating. I slowly opened my eyes and realized that my head was still on Keith and he was awake.

     " I would gladly take another injury if it meant waking up to you in my arms." Keith said with a smirk. I smiled while sitting up and lightly smacked him on his good shoulder.

     " Next time you want to wake up next to me, just ask. If you put us through that again, I'll make sure you wake up alone." I say, failing to keep a straight face. He pulls me back into his side and wraps his arms around me letting his hands settle on my belly.

     " I woke up to the baby kicking in the middle of the night. I think that's what brought me back. How long was I asleep?" He says with his nose in my neck. I can tell that he's breathing my scent in.

     " It's been 10 days....and you mean babies." I say. He pops his head up to look at me.

     " Babies?" He says. I'm about to answer him when we're interrupted.

     " How are my patients this morning?" Doc asks, walking in with a tray of food. He abruptly stops when he sees Keith hovering slightly over me.

     " Glad You finally joined the land of the living." Doc says and sets the tray down on the nightstand. I get up to grab the tray and sit on the other bed to give Doc space to check Keith. When I finish eating, I get up to take the empty tray back to the kitchen. My leg is still a little sore, but at least I'm not limping anymore.

     Hearing raised voices in the kitchen, I slow my steps to listen in.

     " What the h**l were you thinking? She's finally trusting us and you practically force yourself on her!" Marcus growls out.

     They're back!

     " I didn't force myself on her! She had a flashback. That's what she was running fr....." Gabriel was cut off when Marcus punched him in the mouth. Gabriel's eyes turned black.

     Knowing that I had to do something, I ran into the kitchen. I quickly dropped my tray on the table and jumped on Marcus.

     " Marcus! You're back!" I squealed excitedly and wrapped my arms and legs around him. He tensed, but quickly grabbed ahold of me to keep me from falling.

     " Baby girl. I thought I told you to stay out of trouble." Marcus whispered in my ear as he breathed in my scent. I glanced at Gabriel. He still looked tense, but at least his eyes were back to their gorgeous blue. I knew he wouldn't do anything now that I was in the room.

     " We're gone for a week and you get into more trouble. It seems we can't leave you alone." Steven says as he pulls me from Marcus's arms and into his own. I hug him back and we both take a moment to breathe each other in.

     " Yeah pipsqueak. How dare you get into mischief without me." Kyle jokes as he pulls me from Steven's embrace and hugs me. This time I'm quickly let go, but before I can say anything, I'm pulled into another hug from behind.

     Thank you princess.... For saving him." Edward chokes out. I feel the babies kick and my hands go straight to my stomach.

     " Are the babies kicking?" Daniel asks from the other side of the kitchen. I nod and Edward quickly moves to place his hands on my belly. I can't see his face, but his chest is vibrating against my back like he's purring. The guys line up in front of me to take turns feeling the babies kick.

     " Babies?" Marcus questions and I smile.

     " It seems our little princess is carrying more than one pup." Gabriel says, popping the p. He's now smiling like a kid in a candy store. All of the guys' faces light up with excitement.

     " Speaking of which, Keith is awake and I need to bring him food and talk to Doc about the ultrasound." I say breaking from Edward's embrace.

     " I'll bring Keith his food." Edward says and quickly fixes a plate.

     " Let the guys have a moment with the pups." Edward says then kisses my cheek and heads toward Keith's room.

     I figure this will take a while, so I get comfortable on one of the kitchen stools and let the guys each touch my belly and feel the little rascals kick. Gabriel is the last to touch my belly, but as soon as his hand touches me, they stop kicking.

     His eyes fill with disappointment and he starts to pull away. I grab his hand and place it back on my belly. He lets me pull him around me so that my back is pressed against his chest and both his hands are wrapped around me and touching my belly. I can feel his warm breath on my ear as he breathes in my scent.

     " I'm sorry that I scared you." Gabriel whispers in my ear.

     Before I could respond, I felt the babies push against his hands. He gasps. They're not kicking, instead they just stay pressed up against his hands like they want to touch him. Gabriel starts to purr.

     I turn my head to look at him. Our lips are only an inch apart as we look into each other's eyes. My lips feel dry. His eyes follow my tongue as I slowly lick them. His nostrils flare and his eyes fill with lust.

     I tentatively close the gap. I lightly touch his lips with mine, but Gabriel doesn't move.

     Knowing he doesn't want to spook me, I run my tongue over his lower lip, then give it a gentle nip. This seems to set Gabriel off, as I'm instantly spun around. He wraps one arm around my back and the other curls in my hair pulling me closer. I gasp, and he uses that moment to put his tongue in my mouth.

     I release a moan as my hands wrap around his neck and I deepen the kiss. He moves his hand from my waist and it starts to slide under my shirt and up. I feel him growl as he realizes that I'm not wearing a bra.

     A throat clears and I quickly pull away from Gabe. Doc is standing in the doorway. His face is emotionless, but I can see a gleam in his eyes.

     Is that laughter I see?

     My face turns red and I drop my gaze. Gabriel gives a light chuckle and turns me so he can hug me from behind.

     " Are you ready to do the ultrasound?" Doc asks and I nod.

     " I can set up in the living room. Alpha and Luna would like to be there, but it's your choice. Would you like everyone to be present?" He says. I look back at Gabriel and he gives me a shrug, leaving the decision to me.

     My eyes don't leave Gabriel's as I respond to Doc. " Everyone." Doc leaves to go set up as Gabriel kisses my forehead.

     " I'll go get everyone." He says before leaving me alone in the kitchen. The room is silent, but my thoughts are loud.

     Why did the babies act differently with Gabe? How will I support us? Will the guys accept my rogue babies? Does Gabriel really want me? Do I really want Gabriel?

     I gasp as one thought screams loud and clear.

     I want Gabriel!

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