oh! no!

6 3 0

: Majorie

Two days later at school, I was just about going to the field to the games and exercises. When from nowhere Clara shows up with her human pets.

Clarissa Parkins; social media fame, blonde hair below shoulder length, a round shaped head and ofcoarse always wearing short things feeling like a spotlight of fashion to others.

I mean this is a University for pits sake not highschool where you expect everyone to still worship you. Everyone except for people like me for sure.

I guess bullying is a continuous thing. Especially when you end up at the same university with the same set of bullies that graduated highschool with you.

But don't worry I do know how to handle these kinds of people. And it seems it still hasn't sunk in their minds that I've only just been nice and playing cool for all the years stucked together.

They seem to like me so much that they can't do without following me around. I mean there were way better schools to go to. I wonder what's wrong with all these filthy rich kids.

"Well, well, if it isn't Marjorie Quinn, our dearest sadist..."

"Good to know you haven't lost your manners, I would've wondered what happened to your senses," I replied her,

"Awwn! So you were looking out for me, isn't that sweet," she added with her ugly smile,

What?! To me it is ugly..

"(Sigh)... What is it that you want this time Clarissa?"

"You know I hate it when you call my full name, it's Clara to you got it?!," she objected,

I ran my right hand through my hair in frustration and said,

"Then you clearly know what to do, stay off," she chuckles looking at thing air,

"Anyways, you are forgiven you for turning down my party a month ago, plus the fact that my Joey is no more I..."

"Hey watch it! He's not and was not your Joey, if you really cared about him that much maybe you would've considered his advice to you...and that bullshit you call a party? Well I am so glad we didn't attend and had better things to do," I told her straight up,

I always hate the mention of Joey from her mouth, it was so irritating. Knowing what she wanted my best friend for. That's why being a famous kid is ruled out for me.

"Hey, I didn't come all this way so you could insult me like this, what's gotten into you, atleast let me speak...," she continued and I cut her there,

"Insult you? You've got to be kidding me... You know quite well that I'm still hoping the stupid beach party you guys snuck in for, taking my best friend away, has nothing to do with you..." I added,

"And again...being famous has always been a bad omen... I learnt that when Joey died... I swear to God......you better pray, that had nothing to do with you, and stay off my way," I pointed out directly and stormed off to practice.

The nerve of that girl, she's always been bad luck to me and Joey, she better pray  not to have a hand in that beach party incident.

I was walking so fast and infuriated that I didn't see who was coming at a corner. And boom! The sudden bumping accident, I hit my head on the person's chest and almost fell but took a few steps back.

When I regained myself, my anger only grew and was about shouting at the fellow,

"WATCH WHERE YOU'RE.... going?!" after recognizing who it was,

Oh! No?!

"Oh! No! I ...I'm sorry I wasn't looking at my direction I.. I...I'm sorry," I stammered,

"Just look up next time," he muttered and left me there,

Valerian? Was that just Valerian. Well anyways it's not like it's the first time I'm talking to him... Wait it is the first time I actually came this close to him. But why do I sense some arrogance?

Whatever let's just get this day done, It's already half way ruined.


At the fields, everything seemed quite alright, till the faces I didn't wanna see showed up. They weren't approaching me but, I just felt disgust towards them.

I turned and saw Valerian sitting as usual away from everyone on the pavilion, with his pad and light pen. He didn't seem to notice anything going on around him, he was just lost in his world.

I decided to jog round the track just to clear my mind. I was too occupied with the thought of Joey. Sometimes it feels like it really didn't hit you at the beginning until it does and you realize you're actually alone.

I went through a period of shock everytime I got upset and got flashback memories of Joey. We have been best of friends since kindergarten.

And ever since then we've made sure to go to the same schools.

Sigh! Why did you have to leave me now Joey Kings.

I was too caught up in everything that I didn't realize I was going too fast and started panting heavily. I slowed down but couldn't catch my breath, I was getting dizzier. Then I fell looking at the sky trying to breath.

Oh! No! Not again...

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