Bad Air 2

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: Marjorie

Three days later, I still haven't seen him around. Or did the stalker get to him instead? I'm probably doomed now.


What if he's in trouble? Did I really push it that far? Damn it must've hurt.

I'll have to find out today why he isn't still at school.

"Okay what's with the all black look again Marjorie?"

"Hey um, well just tryna stay disguised a bit. Have you seen Valerian lately? It's been three days now haven't set eyes on him, do you think he's okay?"

She was just looking at me me folded arms,

"What! I asked a question" I expressed adjusting my black head warmer,

"You shouldn't be asking me, I'm not his guardian,"

"Not funny May...I tried contacting Vencel but it seems he's gone back to school, so he wouldn't know,"

"Well, probably he's still laying off from school and all or probably handling some of the family business,"

She's right I'm probably overthinking everything. I shouldn't worry this much. Although I hope he's good.

We had lectures just like before, boring.
And it was lunch time, we went to grab a few bites of some Kfc chicken and ice cream,

Mabel then had a school club engagement and she went for it leaving me board out. My lectures were mainly at morning times. So when ever lunch is over I start trying to feel the rest of the afternoon with anything possibly fun or useful.

As I was walking around the visible areas a thought came to me. I looked at the direction of the building which Valerian use to hang out alone and smiled to myself. He might just be here who knows.

He may probably skip a class but may definitely be at his open peace area. So I strolled all the way to the building, gulped in and started up the stairs.

Oh dear God! Let it be safe. I hope no one followed me here. I looked behind me and continued.

I got to the top and as I had prayed, the doors to the terrace where open.

I excitedly walk through them and came out in open space. The breeze was sure enjoyable.

I let out my hands to the sky and let the feel sweep me away. I was engrossed in it that I'd forgotten who I came looking for.

As I turned there he was behind me, arms folded with a cold angry look on his face. I got a fright and screamed in the process of trying to stand straight I twisted my ankle and was about to fall.

I waited for another round of pain from the one I was already feeling around my ankle, but it didn't come. I opened my eyes and stared into his.

He'd grabbed me from falling, I looked at him for some seconds before he broke the gaze and stood me up,

"Ouch!!" I hissed,

He led me to the beach chair I layed on last time,

"What's with you and getting hurt all the time? Haven't I warned you not to come here again? What if someone saw you?"

He's still worried about me? Or is he just mocking me. If one thing's for sure he really wasn't ready to see me.

"I guess I should've come here two days ago," I said

"What?" He looked confused

"You were here right? All through those three days of not seeing you, you were here,"

He didn't answer which made me believe I was right.

"What do you want? Why are you here? I thought you said you can deal with things your way, so why are you here?" He asked me straight up,

"I know what I said alright.... I probably was just mad when I said it,"

"So now you realize it? It doesn't matter to me anymore," he said coldly,

"Are you sure? Cos you could've left me on the floor right there and not bring me to sit here,"

He closed his eyes and sighed deeply,

"I'm not as cold or mean as you think I am... I didn't want anyone blaming me for their misfortune,"

"Misfortune, really? I don't even know what to say to you,"

"Then you shouldn't have come here,"

"Fine! I'm going anyway, I thought I could settle this with you but it's clear that I'm not welcome,"

"You should've thought about it earlier, now please don't come back here," he said to me. And I don't know why that stinged,

I felt like crying but I held it in, I stood up with force and tried leaving just to hiss in pain and fall down this time,

Damn it!

He was moved to help me but I stopped him,

"Just forget it, I'm not a weakling I can walk... I don't need anyone carrying me,"

He sighed again and walked towards me,

"That's exactly what a weakling would say, now stop being so stubborn I'm only doing this cos you're hurt, don't thank me and I'm not brutal to leave you suffer it"

He knelt down for a piggy back and I looked at him for a second,

"Do you want me to lock you up here? Now get on my back already," he was frustrated,

I did and we went down the stairs. The walk was silent, but what amazed me was when he carried me all the way towards the bay, with every passing eye watching. I tried hiding my face in his neck.

He stiffened and stopped,

"Why'd you stop?" I asked him,

"Your breath and lips are on my neck, that's too sensitive, can you not do that?" He explained as I looked at his side face unfazed.

"Sorry," I said and it became quiet again till we got to the bay,"

After having my right ankle checked, it was already time to get home. Mabel had said she'd be going somewhere else urgently, so she won't be able to take me home. Since she couldn't even drive.

I knew she was doing this on purpose. Darn you May!

"I'll take her home, thank you," he voiced out to the nurse,

"Okay Ms. Quinn do ensure to look after that ankle and stay home tomorrow, since the week has ended already,"

"But it's just Thursday,"

"You must really love school and bugging others, she said to rest the ankle and that's what you'll do, now hop on let's go," he said,

And as we were about leaving, barbie and her dolls came in.

Ugh! Not another drama I'm seriously tired can we just go already?

"Oh! Valerian it's you... And Marjorie....'s your ankle?"

I love the look on Clarissa's face right now, the others may not know but I do,

"As you can see it's in bad shape now I really have to get going, bye!" I said to her jumping on his back,

He nodded his head in greeting to the girls as we left.

She must've heard the rumour and came to see for herself. Man why does this feels so good.

I giggled making Valerian wonder why I was giggling.

"Well if you didn't know you're heavy so you better stay put or I'll drop you," he said and walked to my car.

He took me home and gave my ointment to Gina, my favourite maiden.

He didn't stay long himself as his bodyguard followed us behind not coming out of the car and drove him home.

I watched from the window as they left in less than a minute. I had my dinner with a bright spirit as I chit chatted a bit with Gina on the dining about how the day went.

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