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: Marjorie

I'm awake, with some mummuring noise around me. I tried getting better visions of what was going on. Till I heard a familiar voice.

"Marj! Hey guys she's up," says Fernanda as the others come closer, I could see Dale, Mabel and Frances.

"W..What happened?" I asked regaining myself, looking at them for answers,

"Um, well you were on the track going too fast when you suddenly collapsed and was gasping for air, it's a good thing you were rescued," said Fernanda,

I was not clear at this point of who could've actually cared to bring me here.

"Definitely I was brought here... By who though?" I asked in surprise,

"Yea! Someone we all did not expect," answered Mabel looking surprised herself,

"C'mon guys, cut to the chase... who was it?"

They were quiet a bit till they chorused all together except Frances,

"Valerian!!!" With shock on their faces,

What! Huh! Valerian?!
The same grumpy face earlier today?!!

"Yes!! To whatever you're thinking about," said Fernanda

"It was unexpected......just out of the blue," said Dale,

"He looked worried though, that he couldn't allow anyone else get to you and quickly picked you up and ran to the college bay," Mabel explained in detail,

"It was like a display of sudden passion, or better still Prince Charming and Cinderella" added Dale as they laugh it out.

"Hey, I'm just glad you're okay Marj, and don't run the fields again... Since when were you gonna tell us that you're asmatic?" Finally someone said something serious, speaking of Frances,

Yea! I was asmatic, I do forget at times.

"Well maybe cos you guys never asked about my life?!" I answered them and it brought them to realization,

"Sigh... Anyways I wasn't tryna kill myself, so don't worry I'm fine as you can see, thanks for the concern," I said laying my head back on the bed looking up,

"Hey!! You don't have to be so mean saying it," said Fernanda,

Ofcoarse I always gotta be nice to people, even when they ask the dumbest of questions, cos my cold side will literally be sending them into depression.

"She wasn't Fernanda, she's just trying to let you know that you needed to be her friend to understand her point," explained Frances to Fernanda,

"Look guys... I'm not tryna point any faults here, it's just reality okay? So let's just forget it, I'm ok trust me," I concluded to them.

Bringing back the peace, I continued to face up and wonder why Valerian did what he did. I shouldn't think too much about this, he prolly was the closest to me so he rescued.


I didn't see Valerian for the rest of the day. I was kind of disappointed though but I got home freshened up and sat on my bed pondering on everything that happened today.

It was frustrating but, visualising it only made it worse cos I couldn't remember being carried away to the Bay. I'm sort of glad to know someone unexpected did that.

I shouldn't think too much about this, it won't lead to anything special, besides he definitely won't even accept my thank you. He'd prolly just keep the whole straight charming but grumpy face, or nod and go his way like it never happened.

He was just being kind enough that's all I see here. I guess his outmost shell is different form the one inside. He actually does know about his surroundings and helps when needed.

Well, do not worry Mr. Valerian Xavier, I will be able to read you in and out very soon.

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