I've fallen

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We got to the cabin and I had her sit on the couch while I got some cold water in a basin and a wash towel. I came back into the living room, she was laying down on the couch now.

I sat next to her soaking the towel in water, she was adjusting herself and I didn't expect her questions,

"Why did you tuck my hair earlier? Why did you smile like that? You're confusing me Valerian," she talked in a rather slow manner as if she was tired,

I didn't exactly know what to say to her but I placed the drained towel on her forehead and sighed,

"I'm sorry... If it made you uncomfortable, I won't do it again," I replied,

I took the towel did the same process and placed it on her forehead again, taking my fingers off her face, she grabs my hand,

Looking down at her, I don't exactly know what's going on in her mind but she seemed really unease about something. I hate to see her this way but I don't know how I could help.

I could prolly chanel some energy and make her fall asleep. But I have to know what's wrong first.

"What's wrong?" I asked,

She kept looking at me,

"Why do you care for me? Is there something I should know? I mean it's easy to tackle down whoever is after me but, I feel like you care much more than that, why?" She's looking with a glimpse of hope to know something,

"Do you want me to stop? Do you feel uncomfortable around me?" My turn with the questions,

"No... no I don't mean it that way, ofcoarse I'm grateful for all of it, it's just I was always curious to know," she explains

I look at her and look away,

"You have a very pretty smile and I always want to see it on your face whenever I meet you, that's why," I lied, well not literally because it's partly the truth but not all of it. She only needs to know this for now.

She sighs, says nothing and releases my hand.

"I'll be right back, you'll feel much better with a cover," I said to her, went into the room got the duvet on the bed and covered her body with it,

"You still haven't told me the last character you picked out?" She complained,

This girl is really persistent, isn't she?

"You should rest now, enough talking for the day, that'll be for tomorrow," I adjusted the blanket on her and was about leaving her side, when she surprises me.

She's... hugging me? Ok it's so tight I feel I'm choking.

"Marj... I..c.. can't breathe," I tired speaking, she releases her grip a little, though her head was on my chest my air flow was hazy,

"Sorry... I just don't want you to go right now, just a little bit more, please," I couldn't help it, she was really not herself.

If this is how sick Marjorie behaves, would it be crazy of me to ask for this version more frequently? What am I even saying. I still don't like seeing her sick.

Her body was really hot. Not the hot you're thinking silly, I'm talking about her temperature. Not that she isn't hot... Geez snap out of it!!

Well I should take this opportunity and heal her already. I could feel stress all over her body. I patted her back with my right hand and rested my left hand on her back head and released some healing energy flow from her head, making sure it got to every part that hurt.

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