the Xaviers

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The Xaviers were a very powerful clan and the descendanship rolled from the surviving elders who are Silvester Margaret and Horace. Sir Silvester Xavier, is the father to Erik and Theodore, and the grand father to Valerian, Vencel and Marcus. Then there's Mrs.Margaret Xavier Lineman the mother to Lincoln and Laila they are twins and grandma to Gregory Lineman, Molly Lineman and Andrea Wallace. Dr. Horace Xavier had only a son Kerry Xavier who is also a doctor like his father but not married and adopted a girl named Olivia Xavier.

There was a discussion going on at Erik Xavier's home with the elderly members of the clan.

"Erik, there's no other way to go about this... He shows no interest in the company, how can he be the next leading phase?" Horace Xavier complained,

"Uncle Horace, I know my son, he'll come around soon, and it's not like he shows no interest, he was the reason our shares moved up to 60% from what it was before...he even got the investors to renew partnership,"

"And all this was done by a university student studying Fine arts?"

"Yes aunt Margaret, he's a good kid.. he knows what he's doing, we just have to give him some time to fully understand that he can't run from it," Erik stated,

"The lad's getting much better after his coma from 7 years ago... it's impressive how he's so talented after such a rough time, all I'm saying is I'm glad he's a better version of himself" Theodore Xavier happened to be present,

"(tsk)... better version you say? He's always been his best, he takes after his father after all," Erik expressed,

"There are rumours in the family that he may have been reborned with new abilities, have you noticed any new specialties in the boy? It could be dangerous if he can't handle it," Theodore pressed in and everywhere gets tensed and awkward, all the elders were silent,

"If it were the will of the ancestors for him to be back with new abilities then who are we to judge it..." Erik said,

"Valerian shows no threat to the family and it is obnoxious of you to have such thoughts towards your nephew Theo... Whatever it is that you seek, you have to drop it now, it should be a good thing that he's blessed with new gifts, for it has never happened in the family before...not everyone is lucky to have a new ability along the is a good sign that something great will happen," sir Silvester spoke to his son.

And the room got quiet again...

"Well in that case I believe we can come to a conclusion on Valerian, as I won't be changing my mind on this," Silvester Xavier the head spoke...


Later around the corner when everyone was departing, Theodore Xavier walked up to his uncle's car to greet a farewell,

"Uncle Horace, it was wonderful having you at the reunion, I really haven't taken the time to welcome you back, it's been three years,"

"Good to see you haven't changed much yourself, how's my boy doing,"

"Marcus? He's been here and there, you know managing up part of the family business,"

"That's a fine one...well I should be going now, see you soon,"

"Um uncle Horace, there's something I wanted to discuss with you,"

"Is it that important? Let's hear it then,"

"I was thinking we could set up a day I'd come see you to have a better chat,"

"That sounds more like it, I shall call you on a less scheduled day, do keep in touch,"

"You too uncle!"

And with that Theodore opens the back seat of the black benz for his uncle as the driver zooms off.

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