away for the weekend

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The rest of wednesday and thursday was peaceful, ever since the tuesday incident. Now I'm staring at Valerian across lecture theater and he doesn't seem to be at peace. He's been changing his hand postures on the desk. And I'm wondering what exactly could be wrong now.

I think he noticed me staring, that he looked right at me and still with no emotion on his face. I wonder when I get to earn an expression out of him.

Sigh! This whole stalking thing is really making me go crey crey. And literally I can't do much about it. And I wouldn't want to sound stupid to the police if I had to report it. Plus my mum would go all crazy wondering why someone would want me dead.

Valerian on the other hand, seems to have a different agenda here. He believes we can catch this person and know the reason behind it. I mean I almost got killed geez, some protection wouldn't really scare the stalker off would it?

I prefer calling it a stalker other than a killer cos ofcoarse, it creates more chills and nervousness. Now I'll just have to wait till this class is over, so I can know what's up with him.

I must say, having the most attractive person to be your hero is on another level. We don't get this much of a miracle around here. Somehow I feel lucky I get to be this close to him. I mean I should be thinking about my life at the moment but, having someone else worry in that too, Is just really cool.

The class was over, I quickly packed my things, and before I could get up and leave, he was gone.

What's up with him, why's he in a rush. Couldn't even find out alteast what was going on.

I got out of the hall and went straight to the library to return something once more. I went further into the corner where he normally sat, he wasn't there. I sighed to myself in frustration.

"What's the use..." Mummured to myself, then I turned to leave. And right there he was, I jumped and almost screamed.

"Oh My God! You startled me, you could've atleast given me a warning," I said to him,

"Well, you still would've gotten scared, so it was better I stayed quiet... also, what were you looking for?" He further asked,

I looked him in the eye, and began to stammer,

"Huh! Me?...uh...was just returning some books on this shelf," I swinged my hand at the book shelf, "w... what are you doing here?" turning the question back to him,

"I figured you were looking for me since I regularly sat there," he pointed slightly above my head to his spot.

Good answer Valerian, how nice it is to know me well. I could've said you were a better observer than I am but, I'm too proud to admit it.

"I was also looking for you, I need to tell you something," he said looking very serious now. My chest pounded slightly,

"So listen carefully, I won't be around for the weekend and an additional monday to it.... there's a family reunion party back in my's kinda compulsory so.....sigh!" He explained, I was getting sad again but didn't respond,

"I know I can't be here to protect you, I was supposed to go today but I insisted since it's school day. I'll need you to stay home and not go anywhere this weekend, it's all for your safety...I'll be back by Monday so I'm sure you can survive three days of obedience," he said to me folding those hands,

I chuckled at the last words he said, this guy must really think I'm that stubborn huh,

"It's good that it's a weekend and I'm pretty much sure that I can handle a weekend like every other weekends I handle at home,"I replied him folding my hands,

But I'm not so sure about mondays anymore.

"Good! There's an understanding and that's what's important, you have any other questions?" He said straightening his brows,

"Why do we have to talk in private?" He was going to answer but then stopped,

" You're the one ending up in private places... I literally always meet you in such sceneries don't you think?!" He said leaving me with nothing to say.

Damn can you stop!! He's just too good. I called for it I guess.

"As before, I'll follow you home from behind your car today and make sure you get home safe," he said about leaving, then the question I also needed answers to dropped,

"Wait! How'd you know where I live? I mean you drove me home from the hospital the other day without asking the address?" I looked at him trying to find any bit of reaction and found none. He truly knows how to keep a poker face.

"I just do," he said and walked away while I followed behind,

"What? That's not an answer, tell me...helloo still talking here...." I said till he walked away from me.

Later that day after classes, I was submitting my last assignment for the week, making sure I had no reason to step into school for the weekend. I went straight out down the open hallway. But I was feeling off about something.

It felt like someone was watching me , I turned but saw no one. So I walk faster, when all of a sudden I hear footsteps near me and was ready to attack how ever.

To my surprise when I turned with the force, I saw Valerian holding his cheek in pain.

"Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry... I thought it was someone following me," I tried explaining my defense,

He simply hissed, closed his eyes and opened them a few seconds later. "When did you learn to punch like that?"

"Huh?! Oh I really don't know either, I'm really sorry," I said again,

"Let's just get outta here, before I become a victim..." He said walking infront of me.

We got near our cars and I saw his cheek clearly and I gasped closing my mouth with my hands,

"Oh geez! What did I do? Your cheek is so red," I said alerting him to back away when I was trying to touch the area,

"Just leave it be, it'll get normal... besides it's a girl punch,"

"What do you mean? A punch is a punch, wether you like it or not... And given the fact that you reacted that way showed it did hurt bad," I said demonstrating to him,

He rolled his eyes and repeated his words, " whatever...I'm fine, it'll get normal,"

"No way am I letting you off this way, it  looks swollen, please let me do something about it, that way I'll only feel better,"

"I said it's all good I can take care of it... Just don't bother," he said in a harsh tune and sighed,

"So you get to take me to a hospital without my consent and I don't get to treat your cheek? Fine, don't blame me though," I said to him with no emotion,

I walked to my car opened the door threw my bag in, turned to him and said, "good luck with your trip," I got in shut the door and zoomed off,

He was behind following closely, we got to my house and I didn't even say a word to him. Parked my car and barged into the house and before I could turn around the sound of his engine zoomed off.

He gets angry at the littlest things even if it had to be help to him. And I still wonder how he enjoys being my bodyguard. More like he's patient and yet impatient at the same time. Whatever, atleast I won't be seeing that grumpy face for the next two days.

Hillie🤭: hey there! So Valerian's a little grumpy, he's probably just in a lot of pressure what do you think? He's already dreading the family reunion party before it even starts...

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