thank you

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: Valerian

The drive to college was peaceful, I still couldn't put two and two together to find out why my father wants to so desperately put up that family reunion party next weekend.

What's so good about seeing the faces that are too minded with wealth and fame, Speak about my uncles and aunts.

Somehow this family just had to be a big oversized one.

I still couldn't revise all my cousins names. I'm glad I can't, what a life. And I know how much Gregor is going to tease me for never opening up, being scared of dieng from a mistake.

He finds it so easy to throw such jokes at me. If he weren't the son and pride of my uncle, I would've done something he wouldn't believe I would do.

And I'm not afraid of dieing, I'm just not choosing to die being foolish and stupid. I have goals and I have to achieve them with a longer life span.

Last year we had to bury three of my cousins who were too naive about their lives. Though they died of a car accident. Still, it doesn't give the leverage of living just carefree in our case. Cause you get to die both naturally and stupidly.


Anyways, let's just get this day over and done with.

"Young master, we're here!" Said Paul my driver and guard,

Nodding at him, I pick my bag and step out, "later Paul," I said to him before leaving.

I do tell him not to worry about me when I'm in school, he didn't need to hang around guarding for my safety, but he wouldn't listen, though he doesn't stay in the school premises, he patrols at times hanging somewhere hidden.

I know my body guard so well and I hate to make it look burdensome like the others do. He was also like a good friend, someone reliable to me.

Just as I got out of the car, a lot of eyes were on me as usual. I sighed again and put on the one expression I knew best to keep people away, 

Not long, a familiar blue ford packs in and the driver comes out.

Once again, She's in front of me. I could just take the opportunity to give my condolences but, I keep postponing this like it's some big job to do.

She was busy picking things from the car that she didn't notice me standing right outside my own ride, when she finally locks the door and turns. She pauses looking at me.

It's like she's always scared of something she sees, so she either dodges my gaze or leaves as fast as she could. The others try so hard to get this unspeakable attention that all they needed was a look at them before they come running.

But surprisingly this time around, she looks left and right coming towards me, and saying just two words, "Thank you!" She looks at me with sparkly eyes and turn to leave.

I still couldn't say anything, geez what's wrong with me. She was right here I could've returned a reply.

Whatever! I guess I'm too stuck in my world of no speech to people. Even those grieving.



"Oh my goodness, what was that. Did I just do that?" I asked myself in low key, "that was not so bad actually" I concluded

His eyes are actually really pretty, they were a shade of blue-grey, mostly grey. Even when he wasn't able to say anything I'm sure it's because he was shocked, maybe not because I found out he was the one who carried me to the bay but because I actually said 'thank you' for the first time.

Wait a minute, he really carried me to the bay, in bridal style?!!!

Gasp!! Oh my goodness
He really did...

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