a new friend

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: Marjorie

The class was finally over, too bad we didn't get to paint anything today. Just some boring theoritical insights. But I'm a bit excited about the field trip I saw earlier at the notice board. It would be fun for many, but for me, less interesting for a change. I remember the last time we had that, Joey was still with us.

It pains so much that he wouldn't be here for the experience again but atleast I'll have to go for both of us. The wonders of nature and everything artistic in view is one of the things I enjoy being a part of.

I was heading to the library to return something before having my lunch. The corridors were quiet as usual, so I was humming. When out of the blue I heard some sound that made me stop and turn.

I didn't see anyone after a few seconds, so I continued to walk away till I got to the library. I placed back the book I came to return. But before I left, I wanted to check on that inner corner where I saw Valerian the last time.

I moved towards the very last row. Peeked again but to my disappointment he wasn't there. Well part of me expected it maybe.

"Oh well! He's probably up to something else other than the library" I mummured to myself.

Just as I was about leaving, a voice very close behind me said, "What are you looking for?" I jumped and almost screamed.

"Oh my God!"

"Frances?!" Yea he was the one,

"Calm down... (chuckle)... You look like you were hiding something," he said, how unfunny his jokes were right now,

"What the hell, you were the one making a freaky move behind me, asking if I was hiding something?" He's got some nerves

"Ok fine, I'm sorry...I shouldn't have done that, but wah are you doing here anyways?"

"It's practically the word 'none of you business' you see," I told him and walk pass him, he tries catching up,

"C'mon..it couldn't have been that bad...I said I was sorry already,"

"Well better luck next time Mr. Diego...you should know that this isn't an approach you should try on me next time," I said to him and left him behind.

Geez the nerve of that guy!
Sneaky ear peeks on me, are the worst thing to do to me.


I'm at the canteen getting my favorite snacks and shake at the counter when I looked to my left just beside me,

"Whoa!! Mabel?" I move a bit surprised at how close she was staring at me with a big grin on her face.

"I'm sorry if I scared you, it's just that I like you alot... I mean the normal platonic liking...not what you're thinking," she said,

I looked at her confused but had to answer, "O... ohkaay?" I said to her and pick my tray to an empty seat. Ofcoarse she followed with her tray,

"So now that that's said, I'd really like to be your new official friend if you don't mind...I promise to be really loyal," she continued,

"Ohk... Mabel what's all this about?" I looked at her,

"Nothin! Absolutely nothing... This is coming right from my heart I promise you...I know no one could ever replace Joey's place and I'm not planning on that either... it's just that. You're that one person I've always looked up to and wanted to be around,"

"So why tell me now?"

"Well...cos you know...it really didn't look like you needed another friend around when Joey was there...he's always been your biggest support from the beginning...and beginning I mean kindergarten,"

Now I'm surprised how she knows that part, I think she got the message and explained herself,

"Yes...I know you have a few questions about that... I was also part of your kindergarten days...I was the one girl who always reported all those bullies that bugged you...and also the girl who gave an extra one of my pencils when yours gets misplaced during a session of class work," she said with pleading eyes for me to remember,

I was shocked as I recalled a bit of everything. I still had that pencil to my collection of childhood memories at home.

"Oh my... you were that Mabel? " I asked,

"Yes!! Mabel Ford ...I'm so glad you remembered... I waited so long for this day," she said looking so happy,

"So the day at the track incident, you were just worried sick? So you came?" I was putting two and two together,

She just smiled at me, I must say I was glad to know that someone I knew back in kindergarten was here. We were a wonderful class back then.

"Well...after hearing this I guess we can give it a try again?" I said making her look so happy and out of the blue she hugs me.

"Thank you thank you thank you...I won't disappoint you I promise," she said and released me...I laughed and said

"Okay...yea sure, good to see you again Mabel,"

"You too Marjorie," she smiled happily and ate her burger seems like she has the same snack taste as me.

I may not be all alone aftereall, we could try this road atleast...

And I'm sure the field trip program won't be boring and lonely after all.

I guess it's Joeys doing. Sending me a new friend when I needed one the most at this point. Thanks Joey.

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