someone's after you

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It's Monday and I'm wearing a blue shirt gown with a brown belt and brown boots. I also curled my hair and let it dance around me. My first class wasn't boring at all.

Soon I meet up with Mabel who was worried sick about me. I'm surprised she wasn't told about what happened. And I wasn't ready to start explaining why there's no plaster on my leg.

So I smiled at her and just said something else to cover up,

"We were worried sick...why did you leave just like that?" She asked holding her books to herself,

"I was having a tommy I'd asked Valerian to take me home, that's it," I lied to her hoping she believes me. And it literally worked.

"Okay, but next time let me know alright?"

"Yea, sure,"

Once again, Frances Diego could be spotted coming towards us, even with all the efforts to try and hide, he got us,

"Hey Ladies, Marjorie...Mabel,"

"Diego!!" We chorused,

" did the outing go with pretty boy?"

"Super exciting, it was a way better fun than we could've imagined, we had fun games, got lucky tickets to win other games and so much more like having Chuck n Lia pizza and ice cream," Mabel expressed

"Really! Huh... Well that's exciting, um did you have fun Majorie? Or was he a crazy ass in having fun?"

I looked at him for a minute,

"I had a cool time with pretty boy okay...even made him play a game for me. It was just awesome," I smiled at him

"Oh! Uh...great that's wow...glad you had a good time, I was worried that he was going to spoil the fun,"

"Well he didn't, it was fun all the way... Now if you'd excuse us, we have to get going, Urban Art class is at stake," I said to him as we proceed on our way.

After the Urban Art class, Mabel and I head for lunch. I loved food and it's always the one thing that keeps me happy mostly. And right now I needed a refill of those wonderful tasty cheese burgers.

We had our table and chit chatted along the lines. I was starting to wonder where Valerian could be, what's up with this new behavior of wanting to see him all the time.

I should better behave, he was probably here before us or later he would. Sigh! I hope he's okay.

"So tell me about what happened when I left," I asked Mabel with interested eyes, she  smiled and responded,

"Well... Nothing much, the usual fun. Vencel's so cute. Unfortunately we're not mates so that counts it out,".

"I get the feeling, it's awkward really. How old is he again?"

"He's 19, and I'll be 20 soon, it's all just nature not in my luck...why am I even saying all this. Well, he'll be joining us soon, but starting up in second year"

"Oh well atleast that's a good one... don't worry there definitely will be a guy out there for you," I assured her with her bright big brown eyes smiling at me.

Just out of nowhere Clarissa shows up with her dolls, to interrupt our healthy lunch.

"Hey there, bare beauties...sorry to bother your lil bonding time. Was just curious cos all of a sudden there's an even greater bond going on,"

I chuckled and didn't answer and continued on my burger,

"Well, it was better not answering, cos I was hoping it wasn't true...just to clearify. I like Valerian now and you should be aware of it... Whatever games you've got going on, should stop. You have been warned. Peace out ladies," she blabbed and they left putting on fake smiles.

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