are you a thing?

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: Valerian

I'm finally outside, away from that drama I got cut up in. And I'm ready for the day's task. With a camera in my hands, I was ready to explore a few natural wonder. Even as I walked through these areas there was still an eerie feeling.

And with the nightmares I keep getting it's just wild and crazy. What if something where to happen here, now that we have no running place?

What if the stalker shows up and takes her away? Sigh! I've got to keep watch closely, can't take anything likely.

"Mr Xavier... You're up early," I turned and saw the lecturer in charge of our trip.

"Morning Ms Gwen, so it seems,"

"You know, you talk very manly for your age... Very fascinating,"

I couldn't look for a better word to say to her so I nodded with sealed lips.

She chuckled, "you amongst all the others seem to be different,"

I wasn't exactly sure what she was hinting at,

"I mean you're really dedicated to things you do...  it's really impressive,"

"Thank you, Ms Gwen," I simply said concentrating on what I was doing until,

"Marjorie Quinn..."

As I heard her say her name I froze a little and turned to look at her,

"Are you a thing? I mean given the rumors spreading in the department and a few noticeable momentary times–"

Before she could complete her statement,

"Ms Gwen! I believe that should be a concern between Marjorie and I...neither do I have an answer to that...with all due respect I've got a project-nature to handle,"

"Right! I'm... sorry that came out unexpectedly, I've always been a curious lady you see and I often forget whom I deal with when being relaxed, for that I'm sorry, do carry on," she explained like she'd snapped back into reality or something.

I just sealed the base of my lips tight grinned my teeth and walked away.

It has also been a rumor that Ms Gwen is fund of me. Some say she has a secret liking to my being given how young she is to be a fineart lecturer.

She calls me out occasionally, uses me as example to others and so much more uncomfortable reactions towards me. She definitely wasn't the lecturer taking this particular course but she'd made it out to be available here on this grounds. All I can do is avoid and make sure no one gets hurt.

But with those words coming from her mouth, I actually expected such from the likings of Clarissa and not a 28year old lecturer.

Right I just gotta be careful with everything I do and say. It seems there are other people interested in Marjorie and I than I thought.


: Marjorie

It's a beautiful morning and I'm already enjoying my time here after just one night. Now that Valerian and I are on the same page, the project should progress smoothly. I wonder if he's already awake. I glance at the accommodation where Valerian and his brother are staying and consider heading over to see if Valerian is ready for the day.

But I got stopped on my tracks by Someone,

"Marjorie! Good morning,"

"Hi! Morning,"

It was Frances, with a radiant smile on his dimpled cheeks. My, was he looking so angelic this morning.

To think, I haven't seen him much since that day at the mall. He's rocking a shiny, coiled black hair, and it suits him even better now.

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