weird situations

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I'm still at the house wondering if Marjorie's really going to show up for the camping trip. I'm pacing back and forward wondering what exactly was happening at school. Then I decided to call the lecturer in charge of our camping trip to ask about the trip and to know how many students had arrived, I also went out of my way to ask if Marjorie was there because we were project partners and I needed to be sure because I was going to make somethings available for us to use.

She was sounding so impressed over the phone saying our project seems like it's going to be the best. After she'd assured me that Marjorie was present I told her I'd be coming on my own.

After getting that assurance, I hand my luggage to Paul as he goes down stairs. My phone rings a few seconds later,

"Mom, Valerian speaking,"

"Hey my love um... could you do me a favor?"

"Mom... whenever you call me your love it sounds fishy and involves something more than just you," I said expecting to be right,

"Well, it does involve someone who's your brother..."

"(Sigh) what did he do to this time?"

"Nothing, I'd like you to take him along with you," I got surprised at this point,

"Take him along where?" I stammered,

"The camping trip you're having," this was getting ridiculous,

"I'm sorry who are we talking about here?" I asked further for clearity,

"Well how many children did I give birth to?" She answered,

"What! Why? But he's got school going on already why's he always having his way with excuses to come home?"

"Oh! No bro, it's a genuine excuse this time," says the third party I did not find surprising to hear from the other end of the line,

"He's there with you... at work?"

"No my love, we're actually standing outside the mansion waiting for you,"

"Are you two serious right now?" I said out loud and rushed to the doors.

And there they were, my mother stood there with a bright smile while Vencel stood behind her waving at me with an awkward smile,

"What's the meaning of this mom? And Vencel why are you here?"

His facial expression changed from happy to a sad puppy, ugh can't believe I thought that,

"Well, like he said his excuse this time is a good one,"

I looked at my mom then turned to the child beside her,

"Start talking," I said

"So the thing is, um... A student in my class got sick and it really got bad that other kids started falling I'll too so, we were asked to vacate for a week and get proper treatments of ourselves..."

"How sure are we that you're not infected? You should be on quarantine then not at a camp to spread more,"

"Bro! I'm completely fine trust me.. already had my test done, well mom made sure I did," he looked at me with sad eyes,

"And so I said since we all are going on one trip or the other it'll be awful to leave just him alone in the house, instead he can be with you... You can also take it as a bonding time," our mother added,

"Mom, I'm going on a camp for a project not some baby sitting of an eighteen year old in form of bonding?!"

"I trust that it'll be fun, he won't bother you at all, he will behave I promise you... (turning to Vencel) you will behave won't you?" She asked him,

"Positive, nothing to worry about I promise you,"

I can't believe I'm taking my little brother to a camp of young adults.


"I'm running late already, pack your things.."

He was still standing there looking at me

"Hello! Did you hear what I just said?"

"Actually, I'm already packed it's in the car already, hehe..." He tried to point at the car and not make me look stupid,

I looked at our mother once again, closed my eyes and looked up with my hands on my waist.

"You knew I was gonna agree right? It's no use answering... I'll be heading out now mom take care of yourself," I said, hugged her and kissed her forehead,

She rubbed my back and hugged her little bear and kissed him on the cheek,

"So I don't get a kiss?" I complained making her chuckle and landing one on my left cheek,

"You're too tall my love, don't be offended," she said and I was in an ouch position,

"Take care of yourselves my babies," she added,

"We will," we both chorused, looked at each other and I shoved it off.

We got in the car with both bodyguards infront. Yup they were also coming with us for safe keeping how, much more uncomfortable is this gonna get...

We stopped at a few places to get somethings that we'll need over there, Vencel walks to me in the super market with some strange looking bands and handed me one,

"What's this? Some bonding bracelet?" I asked before collecting it,

"No! Well you could add that but, the cool part is that they have gps on it incase we get lost plus they also have a glowing power incase the gps tracker by raising your hands and turning on the glow someone can find you,"

"Are you planning to run away? And make me find you after some time?" I deadpanned,

"What no! If I wanted to run away I would done that since I was sixteen, but that's not the point here," he confessed,

"We're not going into the forest Vencel or chased by a bear, no one's getting lost.. you're just getting paranoid,"

"Well you never can tell, at least just wear it for my sake...ok if not me then for Marjorie's,"

As he said her name I paused, he winked and passed by me towards the counter.

The nerve of that kid!

After a long period of hours we finally got to the camping park, drove in got a parking spot and everyone just had to having an open air lunch.

All those eyes on us mostly the weirdo beside me now and the bodyguards. This feels ridiculous. Soon the lecturers walk towards us with a welcome. They're prolly surprised about the bodyguards and the boy beside me.

I explained everything to them and they were delighted to have him and the bodyguards. I knew their concerns and told them not to worry about our accommodation since we'll be checking in the hotel here.

They had no problem with that and led the way for us to get settled in. I was a bit nervous, wait why am I nervous? I searched the whole place for signs of Marjorie and there she was staring at me, she was also having her lunch.

I was really starving but held it in untill Vencel made it clear that we were hungry. He said the bodyguards can handle the whole accommodation thing so we could eat.

He lead the way to the table where the girls were sitting. With everyone watching with surprise and whispers.

I simply followed quietly not saying much. But I was at ease she was there in front of me.

"Heyyy! I missed you girls a lot, oh I'm so hungry," Vencel said,

Marjorie looked at me with eyes saying why he's here, I simply blinked and sighed looking down.

"Um... We didn't know Vencel was going to be the surprise," Mabel added

"I know you're happy to see me, there's no need to hide it," Vencel added tossing in some lettuce in his mouth.

"Well she is definitely happy to see you," added Marjorie giving a soft push to the person beside her,

Vencel smirked looking at his food, while I gulped water into my dry throat and tried out the crispy chicken in front of me.

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