our connection

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The next two days were filled with fun, nature wonder, project handlings and more fun. The best fun was coming from the two folks who kept making it worthwhile. Marjorie and Valerian seemed to grow even more comfortable between themselves. But as usual there are those who wouldn't want this.

It was a time for fun and games, and everyone was excited looking forward to the little prizes they get to win from these games. And ofcoarse the games where to be played with your current partners, everyone had something doing as long as they chose a game to play.

This was a shocker because Valerian wasn't much of a games person but hed agreed to play a few games with Marjorie. Jealously for Vencel, he had to watch Mabel and Dale have all the fun in the world playing a few games themselves.

The first game Marjorie picked was the game were you run with each one of your legs being tied up together. He just couldn't believe what was going on. After a few persuasion from Vencel, Paul, Mabel and Marjorie, literally all the people he knew had to persuade him into this before he sluggishly agreed on it.

The games started and we'll, it didn't quite end well. Just some seconds after the whistle was blown and others started moving at a pace, poor Val and Marj were having trouble moving on the same pace and so came their bodies stumbling down half way to the finish line. Valerian sits up supporting himself to ask her,

"Hey are you alright? Did you get hurt?"

She met his shiny gray eyes looking down at her as she nods gesturing she's fine. At the spot she was getting bewildered by the looks in those eyes.

"I told you guys this was a bad idea,"

"But you had fun aye?" she smiles at him

"I wouldn't call it fun fun," Valerian replies rolling his eyes away from her

"Yea Yea, whatever you say," she says

They both stayed there on the floor knowing there was no hope to continue.

When everyone else crosses the line, they finally get up to their feet and leave with everyone looking at them like weirdos. Vencel just faced palmed himself feeling embarrassed to call Val his older brother. Now that everyone knows they're related.

Alot more games went on and Valerian agreed to play just one more. The egg game. And yup he won this time around. The way he guarded the egg on the spoon to the finish line without much stress was just wonderful to watch. As Marjorie cheered her partner on.

"He must really like eggs that much," Mabel giggled by the side, Vencel looks at her smiling face and just said,

"Yea... He really does!" Still looking at her,

She notices from her side eyes and looks at him slowly, he then composes and continues to watch the game.

"One time he visited a farm, he got a baby egg and watched it grow into a chick and called it Humpty... What a weirdo," Vencel explained making her laugh the more, this made him satisfied.

There was a little break time where everyone rested and took some light intakes before the men's soccer came up as volunteers went on for the game.

"Hey where's Valerian?" Paul asks as he approaches the group,

"Val? Not sure," Vencel mumured,

"Well he'd said he'd be back," Marjorie answered

"They both layed there on the floor knowing there was no hope to continue. guys are you going to go watch the soccer game?" Mabel asked

"Maybe, why?" Replied Vencel

"You might wanna go watch cos someone enlisted," showing everyone a picture of Valerian that was taken by a random person which had spread fast,

Even Paul had to gasp, wondering since when was he interested in such a stressing game?

Well as we have it, everyone rushed to go watch the amazing Valerian display a talent no one knew of.

It was a sight to see, Vencel having a jaw dropping moment, Paul lost in thoughts, Mabel looking so interested in what was displaying, and Marjorie just not speaking at all, blinking her eyes.

The boy was literally walking around as every other person ran for the ball. He literally had his hands together at his back and walked on the fields. As if he was there to only observe things.

"What in the world is he DOINGAH??" Vencel felt frustrated,

"Oh dear God," was all Paul could say covering his eyes with his right hand.

Soon Valerian looks up to see them watching and he waved at them, which was even more weird. But what he did next just caught everyone offguard.

"He's... Yawning??" Vencel added with a facial expression that says that's it,

Yeah, Valerian stopped and yawned, stretching himself so well as if he's about to do something else. And just like that, he became a different person.

He was in the game now. He ran for the ball, did some magnificent things and scored his first goal just like that.

"Ok did you guys know about this?" Mabel asked the guys,

They nodded at the same time watching the same thing everyone was watching.

"Did not see that coming," answered Vencel in awe,

Valerian was having a time of his life. Soon he got all sweaty and the white shirt he wore hugged to his body as the sweat revealed more of him. His hair was still up in a bun, but the little bangs that fell were all soaked and stucked to his face as his played like a pro.

"Is it me or do you feel like, he did that on purpose?" Mabel asked generally,

"Did what on purpose?" Marj finally spoke

"Wait till we all got here so we could watch him play that good?" She said

"I was thinking the same," Paul answered.

After the match ended, his team scored the most goal and so did they earn some points. The thing about it is that whatever game you decide to play, you surely earn some points to be added to your curriculum.

Valerian walked towards his friends breathing heavily as he approached them. But he was stopped by Clarissa and her dolls.

"I never knew you could play this good, it's really hot y'know...I'm glad I cheered you on," she said smiling like a fool as she tries to touch his arms.

He didn't bother looking at her any second longer and said,

"Don't get use to it," he looked at her and walked out of her company,

And ofcoarse everyone's eyes were on him. He had his eyes on Marjorie as he came closer. She stood there looking at him as he strolls towards her. The next thing he does, shocks everyone.

Valerian raises his right hand and tucks some strands of Marjorie's hair behind her ears. And gives her a big smile. No really Valerian smiles for the very first time in front of everyone.

"I hope I didn't screw up this time..." He says to her, with an awestruck stare at him she nods slowly. She was definitely not dreaming was she?

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