the mall

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: Valerian

It was weekend, and I just wanted to go for a drive, unfortunately I couldn't do it myself because they wouldn't let me. So ofcoarse Paul's driving again.

They keep stalk of my whereabouts and speak of safety like I'm literally going to run myself into danger. If this isn't just like a prison or something. If there's one thing for sure; I can't be stopped.

I put on some loosed grey jogger pants, a white t-shirt and a pair of white sneakers. I'm use to dipping my hands in my pocket wherever I was heading. I just had a shower and lazily packed my hair up in a loosed bun while some bangs fell due to their dampness.

I have quite a unique hair texture and loved the thick dark shade of it's color. That's why I chose to grow it to my shoulders and went for simple looks each time.

Sometimes, my hair's in a tight or loosed bun other times it's packed in pony tail or in some other half bun style. I was proud of what I had and wouldn't let anyone take that away from me.

Although, to think that no one's ever seen my hair fall to my face at college, cos it's always packed away leaving the smaller bangs.

My mother had such a hair and was wonderfully long. I guess I really take after her a lot. Though they say I have my father's height and had my own physique. I'm sure I was more of my mother than my father when it comes to looks.

I'm out of my room now strolling down the wide corridor towards the stairs to get to my ride. When out of no where my younger brother shows up,

"Hey Val!" As he calls me and immediately jumps in on my body, he's the only one that gets to do that, though I hate it so much,

"Thought we talked about the surprise hugs Vencel," I said adjusting my balance,

"You know I can't keep such conversations for long in my memory bro,"

" what brings you home? It's not even half your second semester yet?" I asked looking concerned,

"I've been away for a month and you still don't miss me?...tsk...what a cruel man," he said giving that sarcastic disappointed look,

"(Sigh)..... Since you have no words, I was just on my way out, explain later, you know my dungeon," I replied and started walking away,

"Hey hey, no rush big bro, I was getting to it you know, I'm home for the family reunion party next weekend...I'm sure it should've rang a bell to you,"

"So it applies to boarders too? I didn't know," talking about him,

"C'mon Val... boarders? Really?"

"Finish settling in...I'll check on you later," I said,

"Where are you going first?"

"None of your business," I told him and walked away with my hands in my pocket not letting him add to his words,


I'm sitting quietly in the car, lost in my thoughts with my right hand squeezing my forehead. I had a dream and I'm still not quite clear of it, knowing it wasn't just meant to show up in my sleep.

I knew there was a meaning to that, I hardly get dreams like these. "What could it be...... (sigh) maybe I should stroll out,"

I was about getting out when I saw her, on a public bus. I wonder were she's going, should I follow her?

"Paul! Please follow that bus," I said, he looked at me from his front mirror and obeyed.

Paul was always conscious to understand when to ask me some certain questions and I'm glad that he isn't asking on this one,

We got to a certain bus stop, she gets down crosses the road and enters this big mall. It's a popular mall though, everyone comes here. I wonder why she's here.

Do I follow her further? Or do I just ignore...

"You know you can still go there like normal citizens do, it wouldn't be obvious," the voice I wasn't expecting follows suit,

I guess he must've gotten some hints a few times before. I hate this situation right now.

Is he smiling at me from the front mirror? Unbelievable!

"It's not that there's something okay, I'm just curious that's all," I replied him closing my eyes in embarrassment,

"If I'm being specific young master, she's been on your curious list for as long as we've known it," he said,

I couldn't take this anymore. How much does this guy know? I open my eyes looking at the direction of the mall,

"You know what, I'll have to satisfy part of the curiosity today...just don't move from here," I told him opening the door,

I came out just to find him also outside with me, "whoa! I told you to stay put,"

"You know I can't do that...I can only give you some inches space, I have to protect you dearly..."

Does he have to make this any weirder for me?

"Ok stop! You're making this more awkward than it know what you can do for me?"

With an pleasant look he asks, "what would you want sir Valerian?!"

"I've told you already you can quit the formality when no one's there, it's just the both of us," I corrected,

"Right, my apologies sir...I mean Valerian," he mummured,

"(Sigh)... we'll work on that later, right now you have to disguise, I don't need any attention please...I beg of you Paul," I looked at him with pleading eyes,

I only act this way with him because he's been my oldest and only body guard, more of a friend now so to say. Growing together has been a thing we can't overlook.

Tho, he's much older to than I am.

"As you's a win win if you'd ask me," he said looking jolly,

"Just don't be too close, I'm only going in there to look like everyone else,"

"Sure thing Si.... Valerian," he smiled,

"Thank you! I'll go first up when ur done disguising," I said to him looking at his so formal wear before leaving.


I'd gotten inside, looking for a girl in a lilac shirt and black flay skirt. Well ofcoarse it was a bit crowded today and definitely alot of people would make it more frustrating to oogle through.

If it weren't for Paul, I would've been able to catch up. Cos now, she's too lost inside this place. Where do I check first... Wait! Why does this feel like I'm stalking her? I shouldn't be doing this, it's a bad idea.

Just as I was about leaving, I look up and there she is, going up the moving stairs. Once again I'm ogling, what if she sees me?
C'mon, you're better than this. She looks a bit nervous though, wonder what's up.

Normally I would decline the offer my thoughts were giving me, but for some reason I'm choosing to take it. Without a decision found myself also going up the moving stairway. I knew I should've carried a hood with me, I could be recognized.

And with the look of things, I'm being stared at by a lot of people. They probably haven't seen this sort of alien before. I know it gets tiring for me too. I should probably get a hood here for a little disguise.


Sigh! What's taking her so long, she said we're to meet here. She was practically so happy that I accepted today's outing. Or am I the one who's more excited about this? Given how early I am.

It's not so bad is it? I'm just trying to give her a chance in my life after such along time of her one sided admiration. I must say she really is a jolly type. Me not given her the chance, probably would've left her with a sad Pokemon look.

Let me just look around a bit, might find one or two places to see good products to pass the time. I hope she isn't delayed in traffic though. It would really be frustrating if that happens. Sigh!

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