😶Demon?! (Iwaoi)

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From- My Haikyuu Oneshots Book
Demon!Oikawa au (+soft Iwazumi)
Type- Fluff / smutt
⚠️Cussing, someone being seduced(?), crying but not for a long time, talk of bl**d at one point but not a lot, smutt⚠️

It was Oikawa's 18th birthday today and he was NOT ready for what was to come at midnight.

All through out the day he partied with his friends. Not extreme parting, more like they all made a MASSIVE pillow fort and bendge watched Disney movies all day, starting with Wall-E and then everything random after that.

Now that it was ten thirty at night everyone but Iwazumi had gone back to their own homes.

"Iwa-chan as much as I love you staying the night, I think you might want to go home tonight." Oikawa said trying his best to not let any of his nerves show.

"Why? What's wrong?" Iwazumi asked instantly noticing his best friend's nerves.

"What? Nothings wrong, it's just that..." Oikawa quickly attempted to come up with a reason why Iwazumi couldn't stay over but took too long.

"What. Is. Wrong?" Iwazumi asked again, this time pulling Oikawa down to sit on the bed beside of him.

"I-" Oikawa looked away from Iwa and instead moved his gaze down to the floor.

"You know you can talk to me about anything right?" Iwazumi asked, cringing internally at how cheezy that sounded.

"You won't believe me." Oikawa finally said keeping his gaze glued to the floor.

"Yes I will. Toru, I know you and I know that if your acting like this then it's either something serious or some shitty prank of yours." Iwazumi replied, Oikawa's eyes snapping to his when he said his first name.

"This isn't a prank.... I am coming to my demon inheritance tonight and I dont really know what is going to happen." Oikawa said as he looked into Iwazumi's green eyes. (A/n. Before the comments say "oh but he has brown eyes, no he doesn't in the Manga so we are going with that here.)

Iwazumi looked at him confused.

"Demon inheritance? What?" He asked making Oikawa look away from him again.

"I told you, you wouldn't believe me." Oikawa pouted as he crossed his arms across his chest.

"I- well... um." Iwazumi attempted to think of something that would make Oikawa feel better but in all honstly, he didn't believe the boy at all.

"Its fine. You will believe me in *he looked at the clock* five minutes." He finnished seeing that it was already eleven fifty-five.

"Whatever you say. How about we watch one of our old matches while we wait?" Iwazumi asked as he pulled out the disk from his bag.

"Fine but we won't get through most of it." Oikawa agreed as Iwazumi put the DVD into the DVD player.

***5 Minutes Later***

Oikawa suddenly let out a cry of pain as he colapsed back onto the bed, his back arching off of the bed as tears fell down his face.

"What the fuck? What is happening?" Iwazumi asked in a panic as he watched his friend cry on the bed.

"D-demon inher-" Oikawa cut himself off by passing out from the pain.

Iwazumi sat there confused as Hell.
One second Oikawa was fine sitting beside of him, watching the old game and the next he was crying out in pain.

Suddenly two large black wings came from Oikawa's back along with two shirt black horns came from his head.

His clothes changed as well as if magic...

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