Tantrum (Bl)

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This was a request by @GoodLittleSlut789 (I love the username btw) ♡♡♡

From- Drafted book "Freaks"

Characters- Nex & Acid

Kinks & Toys- Vibrator, cock ring, punishment, thigh riding, begging, teasing, cum control / cum denial

"I'm off to the mall, does anyone want anything?" Acid asked from the top of the stairs down to all the 'freaks'.

A few of the 'freaks' replied with a few things they wanted before Nex very loudly stated, "I WANT TO COME WITH YOU!" making the others look at him like he was crazy.

"But you're a demon, you would be picked out of a crowd in no time and when you're not in the circus you'll get into trouble for sure!" Ezra, a half-owl half-human hybrid said worriedly. He didn't want Master or Nex getting into trouble.

"I have a human form I've been working on though!" Nex exclaimed, catching Acid's attention.

"Show it to us then, if it's convincing then I'll let you join me for the rest of the day. If not then you'll stay here and I'll just bring you back whatever you want instead." Acid stated as he walked down the stairs to Nex's cage.

Nex smiled largely at him as he did so, showing off his fangs.

Once Acid was in front of him he shut his eyes and concentrated on becoming his human form.

Slowly, his skin began to change from red to tan, his horns shrunk till they disappeared, his tail and claws doing the same, and his fangs shrunk down to human size.

He opened his eyes and stumbled forward some though Acid was quick to help him steady himself.

"So, what do you think? Do I look human enough for you?" Nex asked with a sly grin.

He did indeed look human, he now had tan skin, shoulder-length black curly hair, and light freckles, his eyes were no longer crimson red, instead, they were honey brown. He also had no horns, no tail, no fangs, and no claws. He was honestly quite attractive.

"Yes you do, let's go then." Acid answered with a smile of his own.

So the two quickly left for the mall, the list of items the others wanted on Acid's phone.


During the car ride to the mall, Acid went over some rules he wanted Nex to follow.

"I have some rules to tell you to help us not get caught and for you to not make me annoyed. Don't call me Master in here, instead call me Acid, most people don't call their friends Master in public so we don't want to draw attention to ourselves. Next, if I say you can't have something then don't throw a fit, we're going to be in public not at home so don't be a brat for once in your life. We are going to get what everyone else wants first and then we are going to get what I want, how you behave will determine if you are rewarded or punished when we get home okay?" Acid stated getting a nod back from Nex who wasn't really paying attention, instead, he was looking out the window enjoying the nature fly by them.


Once they got to the mall Acid laced his hand with Nex's once they were out of the car to make sure they wouldn't get separated from each other.

"Alright, first we have to go to Ross to get Alexis a new floral shirt because Flura ripped it off her and now she wants a new one." Acid said quietly to Nex as he walked them to the store.

Nex wasn't paying him much mind though because he was too busy looking around at the massive building they were in and all of the interesting, colorful items around them.

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