. Chapter 23 .

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Zinc's POV:
"Ok I think we've had enough for one day." I tell Teddy and Aurora after then worked their bollocks off in the gym.

"Get some rest I see you two need it and tomorrow please for the love of god be on time for training Brandon was biting my ear off about how it was unfair on him for having to do it." I said as I watched Teddy and. Aurora nod and leave the gym.

It's been 2 hours since I've last seen Brandon. I missed him. I never thought I would find myself being mated to a human but then I found Brandon I may have only known him for a few days but the mate bond makes me feel like it's been longer. It feels good.

I leave the gym and head to the kitchen where Daisy and Brandon are fighting over the last batch of cereal left.

"DAISY I SWEAR I WILL SEND YOU DOWN 6FT UNDER TO HAVE A LITTLE REUNION WITH MY DAD IF YOU DON'T GIVE ME THE LAST BOT OF CEREAL!" I hear Brandon chuckle making my smile drop a bit. He didn't tell me his dad had died?

"Alright fine have it you can't use the dead dad card on me you know it always makes me feel guilty!" Replied Daisy as she settled for toast instead.

"Your dads dead?" I finally spoke up. Probably shouldn't of opened the convocation like that but oh well.

"Oh hey zinc, yeah he died from cancer 4 years ago."

"Yeah he didn't speak to us for a whole year and didn't even wear makeup, it was a really hard time for us all." Replied Daisy as she stuffed her face with the Nutella covered toast.

"Are you better now?" I asked now sure what exactly to say.

"Yeah I'm good I visit his grave at least once a month so i guess that helps a lot and I still have my mum, Teddy, Aurora and Daisy and now you so it's all ok." Brandon said as he sat on the kitchen counter, making me walk up to him and stand between his legs.

"And me now?" I asked getting a heated face as I watched Brandon's eyes widen.

"We'll yeah duh your my mate are you not?"
Brandon replied while taking a spoon full of his cereal.

"Yeah you are and I've never been this happy in my life." I replied pulling Brandon in for a kiss making him almost drop his bowl of food.

"Get. A. Room." Daisy said from the other side of the kitchen making me and Brandon both pull our middle fingers up at Daisy at the same time.

I think I'm going to like having them around.



"What are you all doing?" I asked as I walked into the living room to see Brandon wrestling zinc and Aurora playing as the referee while Daisy played as the audience.

"Shhhh it's just getting good." Hushed Daisy as she watched from the couch contently as Brandon got zinc in a head lock.

"YOU BASTARD IMMA EAT YOU IF YOU WIN." Said Brandon as he watched zinc struggle.

Suddenly everyone froze as we heard a noise coming from outside sounding like an echoed gun shot but slightly quieter.

"TEDDY LOCK THE DOORS, AURORA SHUT ALL THE CURTAINS, DAISY GET WATEE OUT THE FRIDGE, BRANDON GET FOOD!" Zinc suddenly sprung into action lifting Brandon off him and calling out instructions like it was the most usual thing in the world.

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