1 || New Person in ZGDX

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Lu Lihua

"Hey Lihua! Could come check out Smiling's new room?" Chubby ran to Lihua.

"Yeah sure, I'll be right there!" Lihua nodded to Chubby who ran back to the room.

"I'll be back K." Lihua said before following Chubby up to the room.

Lihua walked into the room, only to be shocked.

"Do you think she'll like it? I designed it myself!" Chubby was fixing the bed cover.

Lihua took a deep breath, she knew that Smiling might not enjoy all the pink in the room.

"It looks nice Chubby! You did a great Job!" Lihua high fived Chubby before the doorbell rang.

"Ah! She's here!" Lihua sprinted out of the room and downstairs.

Everyone watched as she scrambled downstairs.

Before she could reach the door, Cheng was already there.

"It was just Chubby's food delivery." Cheng pointed to the bag of KFC before walking past his sister.

"Gosh, when will she arrive?" Lihua groaned, following her brother to where Chubby now was.

Lihua sat in the chair next to K.

"Cheng-ah, Do you want to play another round?" Lihua asked her brother who sat back in his gaming chair.

"No thanks, It's too difficult to play with random people." Cheng said.

Lihua was going to say something, until everyone's phones dinged with a WEIBO notification.

Lihua and Cat's eyes shot open as everyone eyed Cheng.

"Cheng-ah!? You shut the door in her face!?" Lihua yelled at her brother.

"I thought she was a delivery girl." Cheng said before Lihua ran to the door and opened it.

It revealed Tong Yao who was sitting by the door.

"Hi! I am so sorry about Cheng's behavior. Please come inside." Lihua grabbed Tong Yao's things.

The atmosphere was really awkward, Cheng was sitting straight across from Tong Yao.

Chubby and Cat were next to each-other, and Lihua who's eyes trailed back and forth between all of them.

"Delete that blog." Cheng looked Tong yao dead in the eyes.

"No." She spoke.

"Cheng-ah, you shut the door in here face? What'd you expect?" Lihua shot her brother a glare.

Rui walked in with a smile once he saw everyone and Tong yao.

"Rui, I'm here to enroll." Tong yao stood up once she saw Rui.

"Let me give you a formal introduction." Rui started.

"This is Tong yao. Legend has it that she reached the top of the Chinese server at the age of 19. At 21 she ranked as the Lord of Kyoto on the South Korean server."

Secretly in Love with you ' Falling into your smile KHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin