28 || A meal out

801 19 0

Lu Lihua

"K, what have you bought here?" Cat asked.

"Facial mask, Mihoo, Little fool." K said.

Cat glanced at everyone, "K, what's wrong with you? Who are you calling "a little fool"?"

"We just finished the game and you two are already so close that you have terms of endearment for each other?" Chubby questioned.

"Shut up." Cat said to Chubby.

"These are Mihoo masks I just bought. We stay up late every night training. It dries out our skin. This mask is very good at moisturizing." K impressed everyone with his knowledge.

"I shall moisturize my skin to." Chubby took a face mask.

"Little fool, want to try it?" K asked Cat.

Cat took the mask, "Does this work?" Then he turned to K, "Were you calling the mask or me?"

Lihua laughed, "Cat's reflex arc can circle the globe three times." Tong yao said next to Cheng.

"You shut up too." Cat turned to her.

"Guys, after the game today, we are going to face the final, but I still want to remind you YQCB is no longer the relegation team it once was."

"They defeated FNC and got into the final with us." Ming and Rui walked over.

"Back to the point, From now on until the final starts, our base will be closed up for training." Rui pointed.

"Closed up for training? Is the club going to completely adopt us?" Chubby asked.

"As for the extent of the closing, we have to guard aganist the next door team as if it's a secret agent."

"For example, no dinner, no shopping, no chatting in private with the beautiful boss lady next door."

"No discussion of tactics in the name of clamping dolls with the ex teammate and current opponent next door."

"Of course, Biscuit, Scallion, and Nuwa also have to be grounded. No interaction with the next door Midsolo's cat." Rui went over the rules.

"Wait a minute. We can't draw a map on the back of the cats. Why don't you just build a concrete wall that is thick and eavesdropping proof?" Tong yao asked.

"A concrete wall? It would be better to put concrete on our Midsolo's door." Everyone laughed.

"Why?" Cat looked at K, "No..No reason." Lihua patted his back.

"If we put concrete on her door, how would Tong yao come out?" Cat asked.

"Rui, our Topsolo is somewhat retarded. Why don't we consider finding a subsitute for him?" K said in which Cat elbowed him.

"No, I can do it. My brother wouldn't let me play Midsolo anyway." Lu Yue offered.

"I agree." Tong yao raised her hand.

"Shut up." Lu Yue pointed.

"Let's go, Before we officially close up for training, I'll treat you to a feast." Cheng said.

Everyone cheered, "Long live Cheng!" Chubby and Lihua high fived.

"Let's go little fools." K said to Cat and Lihua.

"Who are you calling a little fool?" Lihua scoffed.

When everyone arrived at the restaurant, Chubby whispered, "Isn't that DQ.Five?"

"Apparently so." Lihua sat down in between Cat and K.

"What happened to them? Has their curfew been lifted?" Tong yao asked.

Rui nodded, They've been relegated." Cheng said.

"While you're playing in the quarterfinal, they're still playing for promotion. No one was paying attention to it, so there was no discussion." Ming explained.

"They lost the relegation tournament? They got relegated? Have to play in a seat-decider match?"

"DQ.Five is no longer in the 12 teams of next season's Onmyoji Arena Pro League?" Tong yao was really shocked.

Rui nodded to her, "Pst Pst." Chubby pointed his head up, one of the DQ.Five members were coming over.

Lihua squeezed K's hand lightly, she didn't have a good past with DQ.Five and got nervous every time they were around.

"It's Tailun." Ming said.

Lihua started shaking, K worridly looked at her.

"You guys should behave yourself, don't cause any trouble." Rui whispered.

"I-I need to use the restroom." Lihua quickly got up.

"Li!" K ran after her.

"Li! Wait!" K grabbed her hand, slowing her down.

"I can't be near him K..I-I just can't." She started sobbing.

Li fell to the floor, tears flowing down her face onto K's jacket.

"He won't hurt you, I promise." K reassured her.

Cleaning her face up, he took her back. Tailun had gone back to his team's table.

K held her hand the entire time, rubbing circles on her palm to keep her calm.

The night went well and smoothly afterwards.

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