14 || Next Gen Anime Expo.

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Lu Lihua

It's Saturday, a day where most people want to relax, or maybe that's Sunday but furthur less he we are.

The Next Gen Anime Expo. an event that ZGDX has rejected for a long time.

Lihua was not excited about it, she wanted to stay home but Rui made her get up.

"We left 2 hours early, I didn't even eat breakfast, I'm starving." Chubby complained.

"Chubby, I'll order some food for you guys." Lihua sat on the couch and ordered a bunch of food.

Rui went and got the breakfast, or what he called breakfast benefits.

"Rui, you've finally become humane. You knew I haven't eaten breakfast." Chubby quickly grabbed some food, the others following behind.

"I'm telling you the early bird gets the worm through my actions." Rui smiled.

"If I have a good panini like this every day, I guarantee I can quit staying in bed." Chubby said.

"Lihua, you got the best breakfast items." Cat said.

"Why thank you, at least someone says thank you." Lihua turned to Chubby.

"Thank you Lihua." Chubby quickly said.

"Rui, what is the event today excatly?" K asked.

"I don't know, the club arranged it." Rui shrugged.

"Cheng!" The dressing room door opened, with fans rushing in.

After that first group, many other groups popped in.

Finally the rushed died down, it was peaceful.

Until this lady came inside, "Everyone look, This is a flow of our event, including some interactive parts." The lady handed everyone a paper.

Lihua and Tong yao glanced at each-other before Tong yao spoke.

"Let the team members hug the showgirls and run from left to right on stage. The first showgirl to hit the gong with a hammer will be the winner."

"It's completely pointless, make a spectacle of us." K threw the paper on the coffee table.

"Rui, have you seen this flow sheet? What game is this?" Chubby asked.

Lihua handed Rui her paper.

"Were dressed like this. It's not suitable for being picked up, right?" Lihua overheard one of the showgirls.

"We make a living with our hands and we all have hand injuries. This is not good, right?" Tong yao asked Rui.

"This game is not good for us. It'll cause injury. Why don't we change it." Rui asked the girl in charge.

"We have all the props ready and the timing is just right. Now you say you want to suddenly change it?" The lady started getting angry.

"That's inappropriate, don't you think?" The lady asked.

"It's barely anything at all, just put up with it.

"We have a game tomorrow, what if one of us get's hurt? Who's going to play for us? You?" Tong yao said.

"Miss, you've been staring at me like that since the beginning. You've been looking for a fight, haven't you?" The lady asked.

"Didn't I tell you that we already have the props and the timing is right?" Lihua was starting to get angry with the lady as she spoke.

"No, listen to me. Our players have hand injuries. If-" The lady cut Rui off again.

"We are all paid to work. Don't make it seem like you are nobler than us. If you are really so unwilling, then don't come."

"Don't take money from the organizer and at the same time pick a fight here. Are you game players all so high maintenance?"

"My boyfriend is also an E-sports player. I don't see him being so fargile like you guys. You're all men, it's as if you will die carrying a girl weighing several dozen pounds across a stage."

"Do you want me to post a microblog saying your team members are the most precious?"

K angrily stoodup, "K." Cat grabbed his arm.

"Who are you threatning?" Lihua angrily asked the lady.

"Who threatened you?" The lady stood up.

The guys got up, "We don't have to-" Cat started but the lady shoved him, "Don't touch me."

"Are you okay?" K asked Cat who gripped his hand in pain.

"Why did you hit him!?" Lihua shoved the lady to the ground.

"How dare you hit me!" the lady yelled.

"Hit him again!" Lihua yelled who was held back by Rui and Tong yao.

"Cheng! Let me go!" Lihua yelled towards her brother.

"How can you be Cheng's sister?" The lady yelled.

"What are you doing?" K stood in front of the lady.

"You want to hit a woman?" The lady asked K.

"Did I hit you?" K asked, Cat quickly grabbed K before he did anything.

"With which eye do you see that I'm a man?" Lihua yelled.

"Who are you?' The lady yelled once more.

"Lihua!" Rui yelled.

"This room is full of people." Chubby said.

"Let go of me!" The lady stomped her way towards Lihua, ready to hit her when Cheng grabbed her arm.

"Are you done?" Cheng asked.

"It's okay..We'll head out first." Rui assured the lady.

"Except Lihua, everyone else should go to the event immediately." Cheng said.

"Take it easy." Chubby whispered before quickly leaving.

"K.." Lihua pleaded, he looked at her before leaving.

Cheng followed the others, leaving Lihua in the lobby by herself.

Lihua stood for a while, tears leaving her eyes.

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