25 || Aftermath

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Lu Lihua

"Cat! Wait!" Lihua grabbed his arm.

"What are you doing?" Chubby asked.

"What else can I do? Let's all go home and find our own mothers." Cat angrily said.

"You just said this because you're angry." K reassured him.

"It's not like that! You should know I'm almost going to retire after this year." Cat said to K.

"Cat-- You don't mean that." Lihua shook her head.

"If I'm not going to get a World Championships ticket this year, there is no hope for my E-sports career." Cat told K.

"You know what? My parents don't even agree with me playing E-sports. If I don't get any accomplishment this year, how am I going to face my family?" Cat turned to Chuby and Lu Yue.

"In this case, will we be forced to withdraw again this year like what we did because of Ming's hand injury last year?" Cat said with tears in his eyes.

"Are you afriad? You're not afraid. I am." Cat pointed to K before walking away.

The group held him back, "Cat, Don't go." Lihua said.

"These are words out of anger. No one said we'd withdraw. Cheng is having a relapse of a hand injury." Chubby patted Cat's back.

"It's not broken, please don't think of it as serious." Lihua nodded.

"I sat next to him during the game. I observed it clearly. It was only in the late stage that he slipped up a little." Chubby said.

"I'm sure if he didn't tell us, we wouldn't have noticed it. So take it easy." Lu Yue shook his head.

"The most important thing now is to face it together and solve the problems." Chubby nodded to Cat.

"How can we face it together after all this? Does he ever want to take us with him?" Cat pointed to the base.

"Cat. You are playing games for youself, not for others. That's what you said yourself. Have you forgotton?" K turned Cat around.

"My dream is to win every game on the field with my bros. It's not like this now." Cat said with tears in his eyes.

"I want that too. Yes, I'm also pretty mad today. Cheng didn't even tell us before he made the choice alone." Chubby sighed.

"But if you think about it from another angle, isn't everything he's been doing for the team?" Lihua said.

"He's been the only one to suffer all the pressure. He is used to bear the burden himself. That's why he felt he must carry." Lu Yue explained.

"He doesn't trust us at all. How can we work together in the future?" Cat walked away from them.

Instead the 4 followed him, and the night was night that left them deep in a hole.

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