17 || ZGDX vs. DQ.FIVE

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Li Lihua

Today's Match was ZGDX and DQ.FIVE, while the match was going on, Lihua was angry that Tailun kept attacking Smiling.

A little known fact about Lihua is that she used to date Tailun, when he was starting to game.

A few years into their relationship, Lihua caught Tailun cheating on her, that's how she ended up moving in with ZGDX.

Lihua did expose Tailun for cheating, but she was vlogging live when she caught him, so it exploded on WEIBO.

Tailun couldn't get enough out of attacking Smiling on purpose.

When the first round ended, Lihua ran out of the lobby and met the others.

"Is Tailun coming back for revenge after you caught him cheating?" Cat asked.

"I'm not sure, but whatever he's doing it's getting to me now." Lihua sighed.

"Hey, I'm gonna head to the restroom, I'll meet you guys in the lobby." Lihua went off to the bathroom.

When she was washing her hands, Jia called her.

"Did you see the game? I can't believe Xu Tailun is still coming after revenge on you." Jia said angrily.

"I know Xu-" Lihua paused when she walked out of the bathroom and was met with Tailun.

"I'll call you later." Lihua quickly hung up.

Scoffing, she tried walking past Tailun, who ended up putting his hand in front of her.

"What do you want?" Lihua looked up at him.

"Can't I come to you for nothing?" Tailun asked.

"No, you can't. Now leave me alone." She shoved his hand off the wall but instead he pressed his wrist against the wall.

"Why did you admit that I cheated back then?" Tailun asked.

"Because it was true, and I'm not a liar like you." Lihua said.

"And why do you care? Huh? Your the one who cheated on me." Lihua scoffed.

"I'm not happy Lihua, I apologized to you, and kindly asked you to deny that I cheated, and you still admitted the truth." Tailun gripped her wrist harder.

"Now, Maybe I'll loose to your little friends, but promise me..be a good a girl." Tailun smirked, letting go of her wrist.

Lihua tried to get out of his grip, but she struggled.

"Who are you looking for? Your brothers? Or is it Lao K? Hm?" Tailun leaned closer.

"They're all in the lobby, nobody will save you." Tailun said.

"I don't need someone to rescue me, Lihua nodded and bit his arm.

She walked off, Flipping him off before she turned the corner.

ZGDX won the game and were now back at the base.

Before entering inside, Lihua grabbed K's arm.

"K..Could you meet me on the balcony at 10pm?" Lihua asked.

"Is something wrong?" K grabbed her arm.

"No..It's..ah..I'll see you tonight." Lihua walked inside.


It was now 9:55pm, Lihua was already on the balcony, staring at the stars.

She felt a presence behind her, "K.." Lihua turned around.

"So..what did you wanna talk about." He went and stood next to her.

"Ah right..K..I don't know how to properly tell you this but..I like you..more then friends.." Lihua looked down.

She didn't hear him say anything, until he pulled her closer, and closing the gap completely between them.

The kiss was magical, she'd never expected that he felt the same way.

The two were on the balcony for quite some time, until they heard noises coming from around the corner.

They quickly seperate, acting like nothing happened.

It was Chubby and Lu Yue, "Chubby, it finally happened!" Lu Yue and Chubby high fived.

"What are you two talking about?" Lihua asked.

"We caught your little moment on camera." They showed a picture of the two of them.

"Hey! Give me that!" Lihua chased after the both of them.

"RUI! MING! TONG YAO! CHENG! CAT!" Lu Yue and Chubby yelled.


"Are you two serious?" Rui asked.

"Look at this photo!" The others gathered around, looking at Lihua and K who had run inside.

"Really?" Lihua facepalmed.

"Li~" The guys started singing.

"Shut up!" Lihua went upstairs followed by K.

"Let's try us." K took Lihua's hands.

Lihua nodded, hugging him once more before he went into his room.

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