8 || Forgiveness and Chubby's Food

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Lu Lihua

Chubby and Tong Yao came back inside, Ai Jia started a livestream.

He ended up explaining the whole fight and why it happened to begin with.

Most of the group had tears in their eyes, Lihua never found out the exact reason for the fight.

Now that she was hearing how it started, she new her brother just wanted to protect the others.

Lihua rested her hand on her Lu Yue's shoulder.

"Lu Yue, Since we're all on the same team, you shouldn't have hidden the fact that you fought to protect us to begin with." Ming said.

Rui, Tong yao, and Lihua all nodded. All 3 understanding Ming's point.

"They were right about one thing. Your hand got injured because of my fight." Lu Yue said, refusing to look anyone in the eye.

"Lu Yue.." Lihua bit her lip to stop the water from leaving her eyes.

"All right. Now that everything's clear, nobody should hold on to the past." Ming turned towards the others.

"But I'm still partly responsible for your hand injurt. So even if I confess, it wouldn't change anything." Lu Yue looked down.

"We know you didn't mean to get Ming involved, it's not your fault." Lihua reassured her brother.

"Lihua's right, it's not entirely Lu Yue's fault. After all, A from JK was too mean." Rui said.

"Yeah, if it were me, who heard that someone was going to beat up my bros, I'd get into the fight as well. Am I right?" Cat asked.

"You guys shouldn't think like this. You should go to the police instead." Tong yao pointed.

"That's right. Sue him and get him to beg for forgiveness." Lihua and Cat highfived.

"Now that we all know the truth. K, Chubby, are you two fine now?" Rui turned to the both of them.

K stood up, "Lu Yue. I am sorry. It's my bad, I was wrong about you." K admitted.

"It's okay." Lu Yue nodded.

Tong yao gave Chubby a small nudge, but he turned around, slightly running away.

Rui left to call the PR department to see how we can handle the situation properly.

After everyone cooled down, they were now sat in front of their computers.

Lihua was next to K on her phone, she had a foot rester on another chair and Ice on her foot as the doctor instructed.

Loud sounds were heard from the kitchen.

"Chubby has been in their for quite a while now." Tong yao said.

"I'm not sure what he's doing." Lihua sighed.

Chubby gathered everyone in the kitchen, delivering what seemed to be lunch.

The others just stared at Chubby, after all the time Lihua had lived here, she'd never seen Chubby cook before.

Chubby left to get Lu Yue's food, "Rui, I heard that Chubby was fined three months of his salary this time." Cat asked.

"Really?" Lihua turned to Rui who nodded at her and Cat.

"This means he might ask me to lend him some money over these 3 months." Tong yao sighed.

"Can I choose not to eat this miserable meal?" K asked Rui.

"I won't eat it either." Cat nodded.

"Stop the sarcasm or both of you will be fined." Rui threatened.

"Okay, I'll eat it." K looked back at his food.

Chubby sat down, "Chubby, even though you got fined, shouldn't you at least get another pound of meat to treat us?" Cat complained.

"Yeah, there's no meat in here." Lihua turned to Chubby.

"Yeah, not even a single piece of meat in here." Tong yao said.

"Hand it to me if you guys don't want to eat it." Chubby shook his head.

"No. I'll eat it." Cat nodded, "Same here." Tong yao and Lihua said.

"Do you want mine?" K turned to Lihua.

"Does it have meat?" Lihua looked closer.

"A little." K nodded.

Lihua took K's bowl while he took her's.

Tong yao started digging into Lu Yue's bowl, "What are you doing?" Lu Yue turned to Tong yao.

"What the... Chubby. I thought the act of hiding meat in the bowl to your favorite child has been long gone since my mothers time." Tong yao asked Chubby.

Cat slightly glared at Chubby, "I..." Chubby quickly ran out of the kitchen and upstairs, slamming his door shut.

Chubby came back downstairs, "Lu Yue, I was wrong. I shouldn't have led the negative public opinion aganist you before seeing the whole picture. I'm sorry." Chubby apologized and ran back upstairs.

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