Current Progress

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Current Progress and when can we expect the reboot to launch?

Hey, guys! It's been awhile! Happy new year and I hope your holiday were great!

Now, I have some good news and bad news.

I'll start with the bad, (and it's not too bad, but still irksome for me.)

While I have been working on the new chapters, progressed slowed due to the general family time, plus my job's massive overtime output. (Pharmacies/hospitals, can't ever truly rest as long as there are patients to treat.)

So my general plans to re-launch the reboot this month, won't happen. (It is the reason why I didn't want to put all my eggs in that basket and warned that it might not happen.)

Now for the good news.

OT has finally stopped and after one whole weekend to catch up on my sleep. (Because there were some weeks I was only sleeping maybe 2-3.5 hours tops a night.)Not only am I well-rested but have gotten back to work on the reboot with a huge smile on my face and making some considerable progress despite only being back to work on it for a day.

Seriously I can't hide how happy I am to work on this as I've been dying to work on it since I made the announcement. But real life/duty calls and that does have to take priority.

Anyways, while I can't give any dates for the reboot yet.

I can confirm the following details.

I can confirm that all of the new prologues are done.

(The Shields of Spring Prologue is honestly the one that has me almost giddy to see long-time reader reaction, consider it's a seek peek in the Post-Fafnir Knight story.)

The Draco Knight Prologue should shed some new light long terms plans with Hisashi's character.

While the Fafnir Knight Prologue has a new details, but is largely the same.

Next the Redux for Draco Knight is 100% done, since all I really needed was the Prologue and a couple of minor touches to the older chapters.

Shields of Spring is a little more tricky, I've only got the prologue done and that is all I have and plan to do at the moment. Until we reach certain points of the reboot story line. Then I can start writing all of the other fuck shit I have I planned for the insane story line that keeping coming up in my head as budget Hideo Kojima if he was wacked out on pure uncut cocaine and kept in isolation for 1 year.

(Long story short, Alexander Springfield despite being a central character and this was supposed to be in canonically spin-off, the story will not feature him in the early post-prologue chapters. As we will focus on events outside of Japan and the role Melissa Shield. Alex will join the story when he leaves UA just like he has in the old version.) An example for old school Star Trek fans, think of how Star Trek: The Next Generation and Deep Space 9 are connected. But unlike those series, The Shields of Spring will reconnect with the Fafnir Knight story line at several points.

(Think of the MHA of movies, and a few other surprises here and there)

Finally the fun details.

So I've been asked (repeatedly) on who/which characters do I plan to import from the series that I listed in the previous update. The short is a fuck ton with a handful of OCs who were made for this story before I decided to start importing. Now, I can't reveal every character, but I will confess to some characters and their (in some cases, fucking hilarious) roles in the story.

Again this is not a complete list, and their roles are not permanent.

Full Metal Panic

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