Artemis and the hunter's child

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14 years ago...

-What did you make me do? she cried her heart out as burning tears streamed down her perfect face. What did you... Why? she let her voice out once more in a scream that scared the birds and made the animals around turn ways.

She swam in the red water and saw her tears creating little waves in it.

His body was floating in front of her.

She didn't dare to reach him. Not yet. Not when she felt like she could end herself there and then if she had a weapon in hand.

She wanted to punish herself. She wanted to feel the pain she caused him.

Her fists hit the water endless times until the energy was drawn out of her body.

Until she had no more tears to shed. Until her voice disappeared, leaving behind only fragments of it stuck inside her dry throat.

She dragged him to the shore and covered his bloody head with her body.

The sun didn't deserve to have him in his sight.

Under her shadow he could rest.

The tips of her mahogany hair soaked deeply into her lover's blood. She felt his cold body against her chest.

-My beloved...I'm sorry, she whispered.

She went to visit his home once more. To touch everything that belonged to him. To let the shelter know he would not be back for dinner time. He would never be back...

She looked around. Everything was made of carved wood.

So simple and modest.

He's always said he didn't need more. He liked simple. He liked her. Because she was no great Goddess to rule over mortals. She was a huntress just like him. And once they were laying on the carpet of leaves against the cool breeze of spring, both were nothing less than simple.


A voice pulled her out of her dreamy memory land and made her look behind where a little boy only 6 of age was looking for his father.

She crouched down and traced with her fingertips the lines of his undefined face.

The circles under his eyes, the pale smooth skin.

There was no doubt. The boy was his child.

-What's your name? she forced her lips to curl into a smile.


-Who is your father, Kai? she covered his exposed shoulder with the shirt he was trying to wear.

Too big for him. Probably one of his father's.

-Orion, he said with tears in his eyes.

He saw the horror and pain on her face. He knew what was coming. Yet he wasn't ready.

-You will stay with me from now on, alright? she ran her hand through his hair.

He nodded, his lips trembling and his gaze moving direction just to dry out his sadness.

-What's your name? he finally asked after biting his lip hard enough to let the blood flow down his chin.

The Goddess caught the drops in her hand before staining the shirt.

-Artemis, she said burying the boy in a hug and letting the blood color her dress.


-Should we go through the forest or maybe find another way? Hyunjin looked around at the tall trees blocking the sun. What do you feel?


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