I can see why Hyunjin chose you...

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-What's wrong? Hyunjin asked Changbin who suddenly stopped to look around disoriented.

-Do you hear that?

The rest shook their heads in synch as Changbin saw a dark figure rushing towards him.

He prepared his fire and waited for the enemy to approach, but at a second glance he recognised the beast coming for him.

-Puppy! he lifted his hands and waited for the three-headed canine to jump on him.

-That's a big puppy, Hyunjin hid behind Jisung.

-Is that Cerberus? Felix watched amazed by the enormous dog in front of him.

-It is, Changbin chuckled. My best friend. I wonder what's he doing so far away from the castle. Usually he needs someone to watch over him if he ventures to here.

Suddenly a cloak of myst engulfed them all and made their bones shiver.

-He's behind me, isn't he? Changbin gulped in fear.

-You have some explaining to do, my dear son, a harsh voice said.

-Hi, dad! Changbin waved anxiously.

They were taken to Hades's throne room. It was freezing. The throne was covered in ash and swords were dangling from the ceiling, ready to fall at Hades's command.

The room had endless doors, each keeping a soul caged behind it.

Felix approached one specific door and heard raging howls that sent his head spiralling.

He backed down and fell on the ground, tears streaming down his face.

-Don't mind him, little boy! Hades came from behind and banged his fist on the door to make the man behind it shut up.

-Who is that? Hyunjin asked as he helped Felix stand up.

-Achilles. He's been like this ever since I brought him here.

-Why did you? I thought he was a hero.

-He killed thousands. Including the prince of Troy. Just because he loved someone doesn't mean he's cleared from all his atrocities. There is a balance, Hades explained. You do good and bad and at the end what is heavier wins. He's enraged because I separated him from Patroclus, but... He would be devastated if I were to bring him here too.

-And you can see everything? Every bad thing we do? Hyunjin followed Hades as the god walked back to his throne.

-Everything, he confirmed. Zeus sees you when he's being prayed to or summoned, Poseidon sees you when you dare go into his territory, I see you when you need to be judged. Out of them all I believe I'm the most benevolent.

-Are those... Minho squinted his eyes.

-The Fates! Jeongin rushed towards the three women standing on their pedestals.

-We've been expecting you, Irene looked down at them.

-Good. I have some questions to ask you, Jeongin said dead serious.

-One question per soul. It can be about the past, present or future, Irene explained the rules.

-I go first, Minho walked past Jeongin and stepped in front of Irene. What will Jisung pick?

-The sea. He will give up immortality for you and become one with the sea. You'll never see each other again, Irene said coldly.

Minho nodded and stepped back. He knew that answer was coming. Yet he had some hope it would be different. That through some kind of miracle they would make it. He was a fool to believe that.

-Where is the son of Aphrodite? Jeongin heard Chan ask which took him off guard.

What was their connection and why was he wasting his only question on that?

-He's with Lord Hades. You'll be reunited soon enough, Soyeon replied.

-I don't have a question, Seungmin mumbled.

-Then... Who took the box after it landed on Earth? Jeongin made eye contact with Jihyo.

-A powerful god who seeked revenge.

-On Athena. I know who did it. We are grateful for your answers! he bowed satisfied.

He knew where the box was. He knew what it contained and he knew why it was taken. He had all the pieces of the puzzle. He just needed for his theories to be confirmed. Soon they would be.

-Minho! The older turned around to look at Jeongin.

-What did the Fates mean? About Jisung and you.

Seungmin and Chan were a bit behind so Minho was safe to entrust the sad reality to Jeongin.

-We are half nymphs. We have to choose whether we want to follow that path or our fathers'. I know for sure I'm not going to Ares. I've been planing for years to join mom inside the forest.

-That's why you needed us to find her.

-Yes. The sooner I let go of my father's power the happier I'll be. But...

-There's a but.

-A big one. I'll be trapped inside the forest. Unable to leave. Ever. Jisung has the same problem. He is bond to take his father's place and feel the wrath of Zues or to join his mother inside the ocean. Where he'll stay for the rest of his days. The sea and the forest never meet, Jeongin. We'll never see each other again.

-That's why he left after you used your mother's powers.

-He freaked out because we are running out of time. No one loves as intense as someone who feels the time passing ten times harder than us. Jisung is the oldest of us all. He's been alive for who knows how long. He lost everything dear to him, watched it all wither while he was trapped in an undying loop.

-There must be a way.

-If I take my father's side, he'll never let me meet with Jisung. If he takes his father's side, he'll be trapped under Zeus's punishment. That's why... his voice cracked. That's why I asked the Fates. I was hoping that maybe... maybe I was wrong.

Jeongin hugged the son of Ares tightly without a warning.

Minho didn't show his emotions that easy, but the moment he felt safe in someone's arms he crumbled down. He sobbed and shivered while Jeongin shielded him from the cruel world.

-I can see why Hyunjin chose you, he pitied himself. I would have done the same.

Jeongin froze in surprise. It shouldn't have been a choice at all. If he knew about Minho when he was a kid maybe he wouldn't have been alone. Maybe they could have been each other's company. But the gods had something else in store for them it seemed.

-What's going on, guys? Seungmin asked curious. We're almost at Hades's Castle.

Minho whiped his face as he split from the son of Hermes. He smiled shortly at him when he noticed Jeongin's eyes turning slowly into a white void.

-Jeongin? What's wrong?

-I feel it, he snapped back to reality.

-Feel what?

-His signature, Jeongin turned around and stared in disbelief at Seungmin. Who are you? he asked as he was careful to avoid Chan's gaze and vice versa.

-What do you mean? Seungmin smiled innocently.

-As you said... We're almost at Hades's Castle. Yet the smell of Tartarus is all over you. His energy is in you. You're no mere human. You're the son of Tartarus and Nemesis. The one Hyunjin warned me about.

-Oh, so he talks about me... Seungmin's smile slowly turned into a grimace of disgust. I sincerely thought he forgot about me. About our days spent together. I know I wish I did.

-Why are you here, Seungmin? Jeongin took out his shield.

-To kill Hyunjin and bring back the box. In this exact order. Athena's words, not mine.

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