[57] Run away.

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Third pov

"Wait! Before we go I gotta do something really important!" Naruto was about to run off when Shikamaru stopped him.

"Ah ah! What can be so important? We're on limited time here, Naruto!" Naruto shook his hand off ready to run off at a moment's notice.

"Aneki! I have to tell her!" Neji stepped nodding.

"Let him go. Megumi will want to know about this too." Neji sighed "If she doesn't already..."
Nodding the Nara let the Uzumaki go.

"Five minutes. That's all I can give."

"Gotcha!" And off he went.


Naruto ran into the house without warning, not questioning why the door was left open to Kakashi and Megumi's home.

"Nee-chan! Sasuke teme he-" Naruto stopped gasping at the sight before him.

There was a wooden cocoon of sorts, completely surrounding what should be Megumi's bed. Chakra was visibly seeping out of the wood making the surrounding atmosphere depressing.

"She already knows..." In front of Naruto were Megumi's teammates.

Huh? When did they get back? Ah, not the time!

"Onee-san! Sasuke theme left for that weirdo Orochimaru! What do you want me to do?!" Naruto ran forth placing his hands on the wood.

"What do you wish to do, Ruru?" Naruto paused thinking, but not for long because he knew exactly what he wanted.

"I want him back!"

"And... If you can't bring him back?"

"Then I'll try again! There's no way I'm letting that teme go easily! Not to that snake! And-" he halted something suddenly coming to mind as Naruto stepped away from the cocoon. "And you're not going to let him!" Now he was excited.

"Naruto what are you talking about?" Osamu asked very confusedly.

"Onee-san has a plan! Whenever she holds up herself or goes quiet she has a plan!" Naruto was beyond excited "Take your time aneki! But don't worry too much. Before you know it I'll have bought the idiot back, dattebayo!"

Naruto rushed out of the room eyes shining with more hope.


[Sasuke Rescue Mission. Failed!]

Shikamaru stood before Tsunade biting his lip at the reprimand he was given for not only failing Sasuke's rescue mission but for the state of his teammates. He came out the least injured with Neji and Choji having the most severe injuries, Kiba wasn't far behind alongside Akamaru and he didn't even know how Naruto was doing at the moment!

Kami sama don't let the news reach Megumi that he returned without Naruto or Sasuke!

Tsunade appeared out of the operating room for Choji, his operation a success. Shizune appeared a minute later to notify them that Neji too made it out safely and he was beginning recovery right then. Kiba was already recovering with Akamaru, both of them being taken care of by his sister.  And Naruto, Naruto had just returned.

Shikamaru could only cry out of relief. Still, he had failed his first mission. Sasuke wasn't brought back.

"Now... someone has to bring Megumi here." Shikamaru's body froze. As if it wasn't bad enough to have failed his mission, he must now face the sister of the one he failed to bring back and one he brought back heavily injured. And he was pretty sure she cared about Neji, who was in surgery too!

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