Makeover Series: FACE ☆

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Here's one of my favourites! This one is probably one of the most refreshing and most valuable makeovers to me.

I get really bad acne, especially because I am a teenager. I have really dry skin and I never did anything about it.

But it's important to wash your face properly so you can prevent pores and the spreading of them. Plus it keeps your face fresh and clean!

So here's how you can give your face a refreshing clean/ makeover.

Find out what face brand is for you. If you already have experience with one, keep using their products. Some brands are clearasil, clean and clear, e.t.c.

In your face routine I honestly think you need to buy products based on your face type (dry, oily)
Some products you can put into your face routine are-

💚face wash
💚face scrub
💚blackhead scrub

A tip to improve your face is to wear no makeup when you can. Honestly as soon as you get home, take that makeup off. It's so not worth keeping on. Your face needs to breathe.

Another tip is to try and not touch your face as much, and don't rub your eyes.

A tip for all dancers is DO NOT WEAR MAKEUP TO REHERSAL! Seriously I hate it when my teammates wear makeup to class. There's nobody to impress and your going to sweat right through your makeup. Makeup + sweat = pores and pores.

Face masks is also a good idea to keep your face fresh and clean.

My last tip is to get as much sleep as you can! Under eye bags are not pretty, so sleeping is the best way to prevent that. Go to bed early! ☀️☀️

And that's it!

I hope you guys enjoyed reading that and try it out!

Vote, comment and follow!

Until next time

Stay pretty


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