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Hey guys!!! I have been working very long and hard for you guys to get this amazing series!! It's going to be all kinds of things to make you guys all improve yourselves in different areas you may be insecure about!! The main goal is to decrease the feelings of insecurity and increase self love!!

Being only 17 years old I'm no professional, but this century has all the resources that can help us!! We can have help from all types of professionals in every area, by simply just searching into it! I'm here to motivate you guys to always be striving to be the best versions of yourselves, and to most importantly, to be true to who you are, and to love yourself!! Us girls need to work together, and spread the positivity!

As together, we would be unstoppable!


~~what is it really holding you back from being your best self?? What is stopping you right now from saying that you're the most perfect girl?? ~~

I have a list of things, and as you read them, think about if you've ever thought this or you would apply this to yourself:

•I have bad skin
•I have bad hair
•I hate the colour of my eyes
•I hate the shape of my eyes
•I hate the size of my eyes
•I hate my nose
•I hate my mouth (too small big, weird shaped)
•I don't like my freckles
•my ears stick out (or opposite)
•I have a scar
•my veins are visible
•my eyelashes aren't long and full
•my eyebrows are thick and yuck
•my eyebrows are thin and yuck
•I have a moustache (girl stash)
•my forehead is too big (or too small or sticks out)
•my teeth aren't pretty
•my teeth aren't white
•I'm pale (or patchy or whatever)
•my body isn't skinny enough
•my body is hairy
•I have a big bum (or I don't have a bum)
•my calves are too fat or muscly (or they're too skinny they're like sticks)
•my thighs rub together (or are too far apart)
•my arm fat jiggles (or my arms are so skinny I look like a skeleton)
•my nails are really stubby and short (or there could be other things like dry skin, fungus)
•my toes/fingers are stubby
•I have bad posture (eg back sticks out, hunch, distended neck)
•my stomach is fat
•I have a double chin
•I have no curves
•I eat so bad
•I'm not as smart as other people
•I'm not popular
•my personality is different to other peoples (eg shy, moody, sad, mean, sarcastic)
•I'm not considered pretty
•none of the boys like me
•I don't have any money
•I don't have a job
•I don't like my job
•people don't seem to like me
•I don't have any friends
•I feel like my friends don't want me
•I'm scared to meet new people
•I have trouble socialising
•I'm socially awkward at parties
•I enjoy missing out on events
•my family is different to others
•we don't have as much money as others
•I feel like my life is going nowhere
•I don't know what I'm doing with my life
•I'm embarassed to post myself to the world
•I feel judged for all my actions in public
•I care about other people's opinions of me
•I'm not as close to my family as I wish I was
•I tend to not like certain family members for reasons I don't entirely get
•something I want in life seems impossible and not worth trying if I won't succeed
•I don't have a car
•I'm not old enough to make my own decisions
•I don't have a good sense of style
•I can't afford to buy new clothes
•there are girls that are better than me
•I have an injury
•I have a medical condition
•I have been bullied
•I have anxiety
•my reputation at school is bad
•my rep at school will never change
•I'm too busy to improve myself
•I have personal issues to deal with
•I have family issues to deal with
•I've shut myself out from everyone
•I'm vulnerable
•I'm scared
•I'm not mature enough
•I don't want to grow up
•there's someone who keeps telling me I can't
•there's so many people out there who are better than me
•I don't believe in myself
•I've given up
•I'm too lazy
•I'm tired

Guys can I just say while thinking of all these things that could be what you're thinking I was very emotionally distressed and saddened to think that not only me, but almost every girl out there would be feeling for sure more than one of these negative things

It's sad how society has really made girls have more things to be guilty, saddened, embarrassed and even envious about.

We should be encouraging each other to be ourselves, the best version of ourselves, and to be unique in all aspects of our lives, despite our different situations.

My goal for everything I do in life and when I started this book was to simply HELP OTHER PEOPLE

I am a selfless person. I honestly see too many girls who are insecure or who don't feel like they're ever good enough and wouldn't even imagine themselves as the most powerful, famous, loved woman in the world.

It saddens me because, if only you all knew that, YOU ARE ALL CAPABLE OF THAT!!

Self love is something I want everyone to feel, I want everyone to love themselves, because if we don't love ourselves, how can we cope with life?? And how can we expect others to love us??

You don't even have to love yourself because you're the best woman in the world, but love yourself because of all your special unique qualities that stand out from everyone and the little good things and even the bad things that are unique to you.

Lucky for you girls, I'm here to help you achieve that!!

I'm here to provide you with all the advice, extra resources, tips and personal experiences that can help you succeed in whatever areas you are having trouble and feel insecure in!! I'm here to make sure you feel like you can do anything, and that you can be the best version of you!! And most importantly, love who you truly are!!

In this century we are more than capable of being the best versions of ourselves, we have all the tools and resources to do so!!

Most problems can be fixed nowadays, whether physically, mentally or socially!!

There are going to be quite a lot of different chapters for different things addressing all of the dot points above, and even more!!!

Please comment here what kinds of things you would like advice on, or are insecure about!!!

I hope you guys can gain from the upcoming chapters!!! I want nothing but for all you girls reading, to love yourselves

And just as importantly, to love each other and encourage each other to do great things and to be ourselves!!!

Until next time

Stay Pretty

Alana xoxoxoxoxox

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