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I love lips! I Love the look of them, and also the fact that FOOD goes into them.

But with lips, comes responsibility people. and I mean BIG responsibilities.

But there's one main one. KEEPING YOUR LIPS MOISTORISED! Seriously, dry lips are a giant no-no when it comes to me! I've got an everyday routine that can help you guys get those nice MOISTORISED lips you've been wanting. Here it is.

You will need:
-face washer
-Vaseline or lip butter
-water (haha)

First, you need to put a part of your face washer in water, you don't need to put the whole thing.

Next, you need to really scrub your lips with that wet facewasher. You need to get all of that dry skin off your lips until there's a smooth surface.

One your lips are smooth, Immidiately put Vaseline or lip butter all over your lips. If your lips sting a little, no need to panic, this method does not damage your lips in any way if you do it properly and carefully. The stinging will going away in seconds.

To finish off your lips, put a tinted lip balm onto them to add some
Colour to your now plump lips.

Also I make sure to put Vaseline on my lips before school, after school, before dancing and before bed because it does wear off after a while.

Now your lips will look healthy, and your whole face just brightens up!

And there you have it!

Hope you guys liked my tips

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Until next time

Stay pretty


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