Chapter 54 Talk

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Winter winds blew through the steel bars of the cell's windows. Stood ajar was insulated covers that flapped uselessly against the stone grey walls. Wool blankets shivered on an unrested bed, and the tray of soup left by the bar cell door was nearly frozen from the high tower winds.

Kallen sat by the cell bars, eyes entertaining the interior frosty stone floor. Desolate, the world was desolate just as before. These winds were old companions that she had long forgotten. The memory was surfacing now and despite her deepest desires, her heart warmed to its resurrection.

It was after her first Honkai purge expedition. The night of her return had her bedridden. Not from illness, not from exhaustion but from failure. Aunt Sabrina had taken her to train in heat of combat. It was a difficult decision on Sabrina's part but Kallen's crazed persistence won out in the end.

"You're nearing eleven, dear niece. A child should not take up arms so soon."

"But I've trained for it. I'm strong enough!"

"Calm your tone, young lady. Fran would not have you fight at such an age."

"But he's not here. He's not here and I have to stay strong. I have to get stronger."

Kallen held back tears, her father would want her to stay strong. It was the Kaslana way. Sabrina procured a handkerchief from within her bosom. She knelt to comfort her grieving niece. In those young sapphire eyes, she saw unshaken resolve. Blood ran too thick and perhaps it was better to make her as strong as could be before the Oath was taken.

"Alright, but on the mission, you are not my niece. You are a Valkyrie under me. Soldiers follow orders. I'll talk to uncle Cain, he may bring you along for his ventures as well. If not either of us you can only follow cousin Bruce, do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, mam!" Kallen saluted. She had finally gotten through to Aunt Sabrina but no joy played in her heart. It was a Kaslana duty and strength was the ultimate prize.

Cut forward to the mission. It was a quaint remote village in the northern parts of England. Honkai beasts had the residents cowering under tables and cupboards. Sabrina's Valkyrie platoon was in charge of the civilian rescue. Extraction while the beasts were held off.

"Follow me!"

A group of five villagers cowered as they fled with the two Valkyries assigned to escort them. One was old, the other was none other than Kallen herself.

"But our homes! Surely we can go back and recover some essentials!"

"Ah, you lard brain! It's our lives or items just follow and run!"

It was going smoothly, there were no beasts following them as the strong Valkyries had them preoccupied. Chariot class beasts and below, nothing too challenging for a Kaslana. Kallen eyed the combat in the distance. Why wasn't she the one fighting Honkai? Her hands turned white as she gripped her spear.

"Alright, the safe zone is up ahead. Please rejoin your members."

The safe zone was a small hill encampment guarded by a few other Valkyrie members. It overlooked the village and had clear sights all around. No beast could sneak up on the villagers and it seemed that they were all in order.

"Valkyrie group 23 returning."

"Good work, group 23. That's the last of them. Be on standby until the Squadron head returns."

"Yes, commander."

There was a reply missing. Kallen's partner and the commanding officer looked left and right, under the few bushes of the encampment to look for her. There was not a wisp of silk white hair, it was clear where she was headed.

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