Chapter 28

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"Y/N is that you?"

Fuck, I don't have my contacts

We both stood in our places, frozen. The only thing that could be heard was our faint breaths. Mitsuya stood abort roughly 5 feet away from me but it feels as though he is right next to me. We both stared at each other. Our eyes wide, lips slightly parted. A matching look of shock and disbelief washing over both of our faces.

I knew he lived next door to me. I knew that we would eventually run into each other. But not here. Not today. Not so soon. We haven't cleared up our issue yet either. I had hoped that we could first clear up the issue between us before I reveal that I'll be living next to him.

"Y/-" before Mitsuya had the chance to repeat my name once again, my flight instinct took over. Running for the door to my apartment, praying I could get there fast enough and hide away in the comfort of my new home. I couldn't let myself screw up all my hard work. I can't let another person learn the truth or else they'll end up like her. It's already dangerous enough for Akihito. I don't want to risk another person life for my own selfishness. Never again.

Before I had the chance to run the handle of my door and open, I felt a family warm hand grab on to my wrist. Pulling away my hand from the door handle. Turning me in a swift motion, the world around me being a slight blur for a few seconds however one thing was for certain. The mop of lavender hair accompanied with the matching pair of lavender eyes.

I felt my back crash into the metal railing behind me, preparing my myself for the impact I squinted m eye tight and braced myself for the pain that was soon going to be placed upon me. But it never did. Instead I felt an arm wrap them self around my waist and bring me closer to the chest of it's owner. I already knew who it was but still. I was too scared to open my eyes. Open my eyes and see Mitsuya. Mitsuya who might discover my secrets. Secrets that could lead him to his grave. Another grave added the pile guilt and regrets on my shoulder.

Al tough against my better judgement, My eyelids pried themselves open. being meet with the sight of Mitsuya with his head resting on my shoulder. Face near the crook of my neck, his warm breath sending goosebumps to rise up my arms. One arm wrapped around the back of my waist whist his other placed on my back. Acting as a cushion between myself and the metal railings. "M-mitsuya" I call out his name in a stutter. Still processing as to what is going on. I fell him let out a relieved sigh, the large puff of air hitting the side of my neck. Making me slightly shiver at the contact.

"I never thought, I'd be so happy to hear you say my name" chuckled the lavender haired male. Now living his head from my shoulder, arms still wrapped around me and bringing me impossibly closer to him. The hand that was once previously on my back now cupping my cheek. I was to shocked to even get anything out of me. His actions and words, he almost sounds like a man deprived of love and attention. Making me wonder as to what happened, remembering the words of his litter sister. Asking or my help to bring back Mitsuya.

"You feel and look so real. It's almost as if you're really here." mutters Mitsuya, pressing his forehead agaisnt mine a relived and content look on his face. "You okay?" I ask whilst placing my hands on his shoulders. I was originally, intending to push him away and make another run for it but I couldn't bring myself too. He looked Mitsuya Takashi, is a great friend, brother and son. Never complaining about the things he has in life, but just like everyone else he ahs his flaws. On of them, being he struggles in asking for help. I'm the same. So I understand the feeling of when all the pressure you put on yourself becomes too much.

"You finally spoke. After papering in my room, during the meeting, whilst on my motorbike. Your every where I fucking go. But you don't speak, just stand there before disappearing. " says the lavender haired male sounding like an absolutely insane person, "Are you going to do the same again today? Appear right in front of my house and then disappear. But I guess I won't be that bad this time. At least this time I was able to touch you and hear you speak. " Sighs Mitsuya, caressing my cheek with his thumb. I was at first unfused by what he was saying, for a second I began to question whether or not he had gone. And if I should get him checked out at the hospital. Then it clicked.

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