Chapter 7

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The probe droid sent several protective electrical shocks across its surface, causing Obi-Wan to almost lose his grip

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The probe droid sent several protective electrical shocks across its surface, causing Obi-Wan to almost lose his grip. As they darted in and out of the speeder traffic, Obi-Wan disconnected a wire on the back of the droid. Its power shut off! Obi-Wan and the droid dropped like rocks. The Master realised the error of his ways and quickly put the wire back. The droid's systems lighted up again and it took off.

Anakin charged out of the building and ran to a line of parked speeders. He vaulted into an open one and took off, gunning it fast toward the lines of speeder traffic high above. He saw his sister still clinging to a speeder, came up and made her board.

"Thanks, you took a while!" said Mary.

The droid bumped against a wall, hoping to knock the Jedi loose. It moved behind a speeder afterburner to scorch him. It took the Jedi wildly between buildings and finally skimmed across a rooftop as Obi-Wan was forced to lift his legs, tenaciously hanging onto the droid. The droid headed for a dirty, beat-up speeder hidden in an alcove of a building about twenty stories up. When the pilot of the speeder, a scruffy bounty hunter called Zam Wesell, saw the droid approached with Obi-Wan hanging on, she pulled a long rifle out of the speeder and started to fire at the Jedi. Explosions burst all around Obi-Wan.

"I have a bad feeling about this." the Jedi said.

Finally, the droid suffered a direct hit and blowed up. Obi-Wan fell fifty stories, until a speeder dropped down next to him, and he managed to grab onto the back end of the speeder and hauled himself toward the cockpit. The Jedi struggled to climb into the passenger seat of the open speeder and sat down next to the driver, Anakin, and Mary next to him.

"That was wacky! I almost lost you in the traffic." Anakin said.

"What took you so long?"

"Oh, you know, Master, I couldn't find a speeder I really liked, with an open cockpit... and with the right speed capabilities... and then you know I had to get a really gonzo colour... and I picked up Mary who was still clinging to that speeder." replied Anakin.

They zoomed upward in hot pursuit of Zam as he fired out the open window at them with her laser pistol.

"If you'd spend as much time working on your saber skills as you do on your wit, young Padawan, you would rival Master Yoda as a swordsman. And you, Mary, don't do such dangerous things again, it could have ended much worse, if there had not been that speeder." said to the twins.

"Sorry, Obs, but I was trying to get to that droid." said Mary.

"Good job!" said at the same time Obi-Wan and Anakin.

"I thought I already did." replied Anakin to Obi-Wan.

"Only in your mind, my very young apprentice. Careful!! Hey, easy!!" exclaimed the Master.

As this conversation was going on, Anakin deftly moved in and out of the oncoming traffic, across lanes, between buildings, and miraculously through a construction site. Zam continued firing at them.

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