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Hey guys! sorry for the last chapter, i originally meant tp make it more in depth, and just more awesome, but my brain's just really all over the place right now. Dont worry nothing like 'personal stuff' or some crap like that and if, i wouldnt stop updating, dont worry.
I was just traveling and sat in a bus for 16 hours straight, so thats why i coupdnt really write a decent chapter but i didnt want to keep you guys waiting, so i uploaded it anyways!
So anyways! What do you think of the story so far? Give me some feedback, and if you want something special to happen just comment and i swear I'll make it happen ;)

So and now to the most important part of all this rambling of mine.
I've started a new story, its not a Eric or any other fanfiction, though.
Anyways, its called 'Dangerous Liaisons' and im already writing the first chapter.
It should be up tomorrow and I'd really appreciate it if you guys could give it the same love and feedback you gave in this book and 'Ruthless'.
Seriously you guys are simply awesome, your comments make my day and the amount of views i get is just incredible!
You guys rock!!!
Okay i should quit rambling now.
Thanks again and please check out my new story guys!
And just to give you an idea of whats going on, I'll show you the description!
(Sidenote: im bad at summaries so i apologize in advance. The book will be better i swear!)

Summary: ( Dangerous Liaisons)

'The phantom'...thats what his name transformed into after more than 15 years at work. Thats all his victims managed to whisper before he would deliever the last blow.
Investigate, hunt, kill...
this is everything he did. This was everything he knew. always on his own, misunderstood and always on his guard.
'Trust no one', they said. And they were right.

Her whole life she lived in darkness.
As a child, with non-stop busy parents and annoying childmaids she learned to survive on her own very quickly. Generosity, selflessness, love. Thats all she's ever shown. Although you may think being blind would throw her didnt.

So what happens when two completely different worlds clash together? What happens when the Loner Liam Collins meets the blind, generous Cecilia?

Unforgiving  Eric x OC Fanfiction (Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now