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Im running through the woods. My breath comes out in short huffs but i dont stop. I feel like somebody is chasing me but i have no idea who that might be.
I hear someone sing, the voice sounding a little bit distant, but the words were crystal clear.
'Deep in the meadow, under the willow
A bed of grass, a soft green pillow
Lay down your head and close your sleepy eyes
And when again they open, the sun will rise'
I felt like i knew these words from somewhere.
I turn into a corner, jumping over a bush and still not stopping. I have changed my direction. I was now following that voice, that familiar voice and its familiar words.

'Here its safe, here its warm
Here the daisies guard you from every harm'

I was suddenly running into a building and into a familiar hallway. People stop and look at me, occasionally whispering something and pointing their fingers a me. But i still dont stop, i keep running past these people dressed in blue.
The voice gets louder now and more clear.
I reach the end of the hallway. There is a white door opened just a little bit. Theres light shining out of the small crack and the voice gets even louder now.
I run past a window almost touching the door knob now. I needed to know who was singing.
But before i could even think about opening the door something throws me off my feet, knocking me onto the ground.
The beast claws and bites down at my body as i scream out in agony. Blood was splashing everywhere, painting the walls a sickening red.
A low growl can be heard.

Unforgiving  Eric x OC Fanfiction (Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now