Old fears

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"Oh my god...", i breath out.
"What the hell happened, Grace?", Tris asks, brushing a strand of hair out of my face.
"Oh.my.god....", i repeat.
"What?", Max asks now, sounding a little panicked," What is it?"
I slowly raise from the pillows, wide eyed, looking at all of them before i manage to bring out any words
"I-i remember..."

Grace POV:

"I remember...", i breathe out, not managing to look at anyone.
"Like...everything?", Tris asks, taking my hand in hers and squeezing it lightly.
I close my eyes trying to calm my racing mind. There was pure caos in my head. New memories, mixing with old ones, making my body feel estatic yet drained at the same time.
I jump out of bed starting to pace around, nervously.
"Oh no..", i whine, putting my head in my hands,"oh no, no ,no."
"Anni, you need to calm yourself. What is wrong?", Cole now asks, attempting to approach me, but stopping mid-step.
"Im the worst girlfriend ever. Oh noo.", i sigh and start searching for some clothes to wear. I need to go to Candor. I need to see him. I need to tell him, that i was sorry.
"What are you talking about? You are not a bad girlfriend.", Max exclaims, covering his eyes while i throw my T-shirt off and put on a new one. Honestly, at this point i didnt even care.
"I called him, sadistic and cruel. I screamed in his face. I told him to stay away from me. I was afraid of him! His own girlfriend! I let Cole kiss me and he saw me!", i exclaim, trying to put on my shoes,"gosh! I could kill myself right now!"
Suddenly im grabbed by my shoulders and im forced to look at the person stopping me from pacing around.
How did he get in here? I look at the door, behind him and see that it was wide open. He must have just gotten here.
"Grace, i need you to calm down. You're not going anywhere like this.", he insists looking into my eyes intently.
My greath hitches, before starting to slow down again. I take deep breaths, calming my heart and my thoughts before Four lets me go.
"I need to see him. I need to see him now.", i insist and push past Four marching into the hallway. I didnt need to look back to know that they were following me close behind.
"Max, Eric called through. He says that they've spotted the potential spies that were still hiding in Candor.", i hear Four say.
"Max.", i say," im having a bad feeling."
I rush into the control room, and start to type various things.
"What do you mean? What is going on?", Cole asks looking at the monitors over my shoulder. I was still typing, trying to hack into the Candor computer system.
"I just have a bad feeling. Can you please get some weapons?", i ask not letting my gaze off of the monitors, as i manage to hack into candor security cameras.
I look at the cameras in the kitchen area, seeing the cooks chopping up some food, in preperation for todays meals probably. I let my gaze wander across the other monitors not seeing anything special, until my eyes land on the very last monitor.
I watch as various people are brought into what seemed like Jack's office. I see a few bald headed men dressed in black, pushing them all inside the room, armed to the teeth. Judging by their clothes, one would think they were from Dauntless, but i knew better. These were the remaining spies from 'Old Society'.
We watch as they lock the doors behind them and start talking about things, we couldn't unterstand. I look at the supposed leader of them and my mouth falls agape as soon as it dawns on me who that was. He was smirking brushing through his dark long hair, and playing with his gun.
"Oh no...", i breath out.
I stand up abruptly.
"We need to go. Now!", i say and storm out of the control room and towards the training room. As soon as we reach it i grab a few guns, throwing them at Cole, Four, Max and Tris and getting one myself.
"Grace, we are leaders. We need to inform the others!", Max hisses as we march towards the faction exit.
"Thers no time Max. We need to get there as soon as possible.", i retort, hearing the distant horn from the train.
If Eric saw the leader he wont be able to kill him. We needed to get there before they would see eachother.
I look at Max one last time, before starting to run.


Eric POV:

I wake up with a jolt when i hear someone repeatedly banging on my door.
I grumble some not so nice words while stumbling out of my bed and shrugging my leather jacket on. I had been sleeping in the things from yesterday, not bothering to change. As if anybody cared anyways.
I reach the door, opening it with such force that i thought i might rip it off its hinges.
"What?", i growl, making the boy infront of me flinch and back away a little bit.
"Th-the spies. They made a move.", he manages to stutter. I freeze for a second before muttering "Shit" and grabbing my gun. I exit my room and soon we storm through the hallways until we reach the main hall where all my other troop members were gathered. They were all currently loading their guns and looking at me, waiting for instructions.
"Okay, 5 groups. Group1 and 2 take the two hallways east. Group 3 and 4 take the west hallways and group 5 is coming with me. We're going to close in on these motherfuckers. Unterstood?", i instruct, and soon we all go our ways.
I take my gun and start running, turning off the guns safety. I had spent too much time here because of these fuckers. They would surely pay for that.
Soon we reach Jack's office and we raise our guns, ready to shoot. I let my gaze wander across the crowd off people trapped inside and manage to see some of the spies inside, hiding behind the crowd like pathetic cowards they were.
"Surrender, right now, or we will be forced to take you by force!", my voice boomes across the hallway.
I hear laughing, soon after and turn towards the person it was coming from.
My eyes widen at the person i see before me, and i almost drop my gun.


"No please dont hurt us! We'll give you everything you want. Just please dont hurt us!", Charlize, Erics mother, shouts holding onto little Eric for her dear life.
His father was lying beneath their feet, a nasty wound formed on his head from when the factionless men shot him. Little Eric whimpers, burying his head in the crook of his mothers neck.
"Oh well...im sorry lady, but no can do.", one of the men says, his eyes taking on an evil glint. He flips back his long dark hair and raises his gun yet again, shooting at Erics mother.
"Noooo!!! Mommy!!!!", he screams, tears vrimming in his eyes, as his mothers lifeless body falls limp to the ground next to him.

*Flashback end*

"Eric...", the man says widening his arms as if he was welcoming us to a tea party.
I narrow my eyes at him, my arms shaking from anger. My heart was beating ten times faster than normal, and sweat was trickling down my forehead. I found myself unable to react. I was paralyzed. This man was my worst fear. My worst fear was standing before me and i found myself unable to fight it off. My breath was going in short huffs and i cursed myself for the fear that was coursing through my veins.
"...Its really nice to see you again, boy.", the man says laughing.


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