Chapter V

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Saying Axel was nervous was a big understatement he watches as his mother walks into the council room. He didn't care about anyone else only her reaction would be the most against his idea.

She sits down next to him giving him a tight smile and Tywin stands up to address everyone "I am sending an army to Casterly Rock to meet Robb Starks army in battle"

Joffery claps his hands together and smiles "Perfect I will finally have that dogs head on a pike it's about time you did something about him"

Tywin stares down the boy king and it becomes tense before he speaks again "Axel will be leading the attack"

"What?! You can not expect-"

Joffery raises his hand and cuts Cersi off "That's a good plan I trust my brother will bring me Robb's head"

"You are sending your brother to his possible death"

Varys is the next to speak "I think it's a good plan I trust the prince's skill and I believe he will succeed"

Cersi suddenly stands slamming her hand on the table "I will not allow it!"

Joffery's gaze turns serious "I am the king and I've already allowed it"

Cersi sits back down her burning gaze looking at no one in particular "He will leave once our plan is in action"

Axel nods he was hoping removing his head wouldn't have to happen but if the wolf doesn't back down it will have to be that way "Council is dismissed"

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Axel walks into Tyrell's outside area where he sees Olenna sitting down across from some of her grandchildren "Lady Olenna I'm happy that you've invited me for tea again"

She looks up with a smile "I'm sure you are, leave us"

The girls rush out not before bowing to the prince and he sits across from Olenna "I hear you're leading the Tyrells army to their certain death"

Axel smiles and pours them both a cup of tea "In war there are always casualties but my men will be in the first line and I promise they are well-seasoned warriors"

"I doubt your men I doubt your chances of winning"

He was sure they wouldn't lose but he wanted to speak with Robb first "I'm hoping it doesn't come to a battle but I already have a strategy in place"

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