Chapter VIII

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Today was the day of Margaery and Jofferys wedding all the guests had arrived three days ago Oberyen Martell arrived. Axel wanted to speak with the man but he knew he had some bad opinions against the Lannisters.

His sister was killed and Axel had only heard from second-hand information that it was ordered by his grandfather. The mountain was the one to do it and if Axel was king the man would get want he deserved.

Axel had spoken with Sansa about still leaving in the chaos of Joffrey's wedding but she already agree she wants to marry Loras. Axel was once again put into a tight tunic his mother had put him in gold and red the colours of his houses.

He found it impossible to move but his mother puts a hand on his arm to stop his shifting and he does. He watches as Lord Tyrell more specifically Mace Tyrell Margaerys father holds out a goblet "From House Tyrell and the people of the Reach, Your Grace, it is my honour to present you with this wedding cup may you and my daughter Margaery drink deep and live long"

Joffery gives him a polite smile but even Axel could tell he didn't care "A handsome goblet, my lord or shall I call you Father?"

The man bows to the king seeming very happy but the question "I shall be honoured, Your Grace"

Tyrion is next to get up and walk over to the king and he places a book on the table "A book?"

"The Lives of Four Kings" Grand Maester Kaeth's history of the reigns of Daeron the Young Dragon, Baelor the Blessed, Aegon the Unworthy, and Daeron the Good, A book every king should read, Now that the war is won, we should all find time for wisdom"

Joffery nods but doesn't make a move to look at it "Thank you, uncle"

Tywin walks up and places down a sword and Joffery's eyes light up "One of only three Valyrian steel swords in the capital, Your Grace, freshly forged in your honour"

Joffery starts swinging it around and Axel already knows what gonna happen so he stands and places a hand on the book. Joffery stops short just in time "Everyone could use a bit more Knowledge I wouldn't mind reading it, your grace after your wedding we can go hunting and see how Valyrian steel cuts through a boar like it's butter"

Joffery nods his eyes having an evil glint "Yes take it..." Joffery turns to the crowd "...Such a great sword should have a name, What shall I call her?"

People start calling out names for the sword and Axel takes the book and sits back down next to his mother.

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