Chapter XXVIII

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Axel moves some of the figures to Moat Cailin it was an ancient fortress that was now ruined. Even then it was said that Moat Cailin could hold back hosts ten times the size of their own, it was perfect.

It would mean that they would have to leave Winterfell to go back south but it would be worth it "I've done some reading and listened to some rumours and I know of your brother and his abilities and how the Night King wants him"

Robb looks to Jon and hesitates only slightly before turning back to Axel "It wasn't our intention to keep it from you but these abilities have changed him and we don't quite understand it ourselves"

Axel nods at him, Axel only heard about the Night King killing the last three-eyed raven and now he clearly wants the next one "Bran will fall back to Moat Cailin with an army of the most that it can hold which will be 20,000 men and two dragons, the rest will stay here and fight until they are forced to fall back to Moat Cailin too, Moat Cailin will be the last line of defence and hopefully were we will finish this"

Everyone around the table behind to nodded, he did not have the same battle experience as the others but he was smart "Why would we separate our forces?"

Axel looks to Jon, the one who just spoke, a bastard speaking to a king would be disrespectful to anyone else but Axel didn't mind it "As big as Winterfell is we can't use our smarts here, we would have to place all our army in the front lines instead of using strategy, if we move out of Winterfell we give ourself more options"

Jon doesn't look happy about it but Robb gives him a look that stops him from saying anything else "The North will follow you, your grace"

As much as Axel didn't mind Jon speaking up, he had just caught him looking at Daenerys once again. His wife was beautiful and he knew people would stare but Jon's stare annoyed him especially when Daenerys looked back "Thank you, Robb, let us continue tomorrow once everyone is rested"

The people in the room give Daenerys and Axel a bow before they start to file out of the room leaving Axel alone with his thoughts.

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Axel walks into his assigned room and he finds that it is maybe the largest room in Winterfell or at least their wing. When he walks in Daenerys and Missandei practically jump away from each other "What's wrong?"

Missandei bows as she regains herself but Axel can't help but look at the two oddly, Daenerys is half-dressed but Missandei is fully dressed. He may have thought that they were sleeping together but Axel knew they were just close friends.

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