Chapter XXI

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Three and a half years had passed and everything was running smoothly Tyrion had not written back which probably meant the Dragon queen was not willing.

Axel was told Stannis was beheaded by Brienne of Tarth for his order to assassinate Renly. Brienne had reunited the Stark family and Axel had her knighted at her request.

Myrcella had married Trystane Martell and Axel and his wife and children had gone to the wedding. Axel had not named another hand but taking over the duties of the realm himself and it was tiring.

His days would be spent listening to petitions and then with his children and then learning Valyrian.

Even Sansa and Loras had a child just to fulfil their duty to their houses and had a baby boy named Ned. With the tiring days and running the realm Axel and Margaery had not yet had another child even if they did try a few times.

Axel feels feather-like brushes against his face making him scrunch up his face and slowly open his eyes. He meets Margaery's eyes looking down at him "Are you watching me sleep?"

Margaery's hand comes back to his face brushing his dark curls out his face "Maybe but you need to get up, you have a council meeting"

Axel groans and turns away from her to bury his head in the pillows of their large bed "Just a little longer"

The words come out muffled and then the room turns silent and Axel would be stupid to think that she had left him alone. He turns back to see Margaery watching him with a smile "Get up, you are a busy man today"

Axel was a busy man every day and it was getting annoying but thankfully the realm was running perfectly. Margaery slips onto his lap straddling him "I thought I needed to get up"

Axel's hands immediately go to her hips as she smiles down at him "I'm sure you can spare a few more minutes"

Margaery leans down to meet his lips in a kiss but before she can the door knocks making Axel groan. Margaery leans back up and Axel turns to the door "Go away, Adrian"

Adrian's muffled voice comes from door "Are you sure? I have two little surprises"

Axel smiles and so does Margaery as she gets off and goes and opens the door and two small figures run in. Argella is quick to jump onto the bed and Axel grabs onto her with a laugh "There's my little princess"

He holds her up in the air and the small princess giggles along "Father I'm gonna be sick"

Axel is quick to put her down and gives her a playful look "Ahh we can't have that now can we"

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