Chapter XI

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Axel and Margaery were sitting together as they broke their fast it wasn't something Axel cared about. His mother had cared about it and now he was used to it "What will happen in the trial?"

Axel looks over to Margaery Tommen had joined them and Axel misses his sister but it would have happened sooner or later "Tyrion will have his say and others will have his say against him and he will more likely lose and then will most likely demand trial by combat"

Margaery listens carefully and she's shocked that he would demand trial by combat "Why? I thought Tyrion was more of a scholar than a warrior"

"He is, he will have someone fight for him but I know nobody will volunteer, they would be facing the mountain who will be fighting for the crown"

Margaery nods and before she can say anything else Tommen speaks "Will Uncle Tyrion be hurt?"

Axel smiles gently at the boy "No Tyrion will be fine, I'll make sure of it now keep eating and close your ears"

Tommen smirks at the King "Close my ears? That's not possible"

Axel ruffles his hair and the boy laughs as he does "It means stop listening to our conversation"

Tommen smiles and goes back to eating and Axel turns back to Margaery who has a smile on her face "You quite good with kids"

Axel taks a sip of his water "I guess I have two younger siblings so it is expected from me"

"It's expected that you hunt fight and learn, Men aren't normally so warm towards children"

Axel shrugs he enjoyed his sibling's company so it wasn't a chore or a task "Some men are but I'd like to think that I am not like any other man"

"Your not"

Axel smiles and the two begin eating again in a comfortable silence until Margaery speaks "How many children do you want?"

Axel was shocked by the question he hadn't really thought about that "I'm not sure I would like to name a child of mine Argella"

Margaery raises an eyebrow but she knew Axel had an interest in the histories "And for a boy?"

Axel hadn't thought about a boy's name "I'm not sure I've yet to think about it"

Margaery finished her drink and leans back to look at Axel "Well let's make a deal if we are to have a girl we will use your name and if we are to have a boy then we will use my name"

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