_-*Chapter 15*-_

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My sleepless nights have returned T^T

Tendou POV


As Wakatoshi leaned closer, I decided I wanted to tell him. I wanted him to know my Name, even if he leaves me for another, I want him to remember he'll always hold a special piece of me.

"Wakatoshi," I uttered as our faces stood mere centimeters apart, the air between us thick with tension.

"What is it, my Tendou?" He murmured, his gaze unwavering. I blushed atf his choice of words but continued nonetheless.

"I want to tell you. . .my Name," I hesitated.

"I know your name, it's Tendou," He replied, confused.

"No, my Wakatoshi-Kun," I let out a breathy laugh, "My true Name is a secret. But I want you to know it."

"Oh..." He responded, "I would be honored to speak your name."

"And I would be honored to hear you speak it as well," I whispered to myself.


"N-nothing," I blushed, "My Name is...Satori."

"Satori..." He tested the name and smiled at me softly. The air was filled with a warm feeling I couldn't place and my heart pounded, excited to hear my name spoken by the prince, "I love it." He whispered into my ear and I turned even redder.

Before I could speak again, the boat was suddenly rocked viciously by something under the water. I gasped and grabbed the side of the boat and Wakatoshi gripped my waist to keep me from toppling over.

Through the now disrupted water, I saw a glimpse of slimy green skin. I knew that disgusting swampy green anywhere.

Those are my father's henchmen, the Eels.

I whimpered as I pressed an arm against Wakatoshi, refraining him from getting too close to the edge of the boat.

"Te-Satori?" He questioned, looking at me worriedly.

I shook my head, my throat clenching in fear, I didn't want what happened to Oikawa to happen to my prince as well.

"S-shore," I pointed back to the dock, "We need to get off the water."

He nodded and took up the paddles, quickly rowing us closer to the shore.

My heart pounded, but now it was due to fear.

We were so close when the eels began to hit the boat more aggressively. Water splashed in over the sides and one of their tails whipped up to slash Wakatoshi's face.

"NO," I shouted and blocked his face with my arm and I recoiled instantly, the eels sending an electric shock through my arm. My pale skin began to bruise similar to Oikawa's and Wakatoshi's eyes flashed with anger as he jabbed the oar into the water, hitting the eel hard enough to make it flee. The other followed its partner and left us behind.

I gripped my arm against my chest, attempting to numb the pain as Wakatoshi pulled us ashore.

"Satori!" He exclaimed, worry clouding his eyes as he pulled me close to examine my arm, "You're hurt!"

No duh, I chuckled slightly and then winced as the burn throbbed, "I'm fine, Wakatoshi," I waved him off. He looked at me unsure.

"No you're not," He shook his head and rose to his feet, scooping me in his arms quickly, "There's medicine in the castle, I can take you there."

I glanced at the sky, noticing how the night sped by quickly and it was nearly dawn. I weighed my choices and consequences. Unfortunately, someone let my heart attend the meeting and I ended up being carried all the way towards the towering castle on the cliff. 


If you could go back in time and change one thing, what would it be?

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