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Loud cheers and screams travel across the sports hall. It's lunchtime but many sacrifice this time to watch the basketball friendly.

Minju jumps as if she were at a concert, constantly hitting Yuri's shoulder. They're in the spectators' seats, watching the guys of the school play in their jerseys.

Minju was too exhilarated to be sitting.

"Will you stop hitting me?"

"I'm excited." The brunette shakes her madly. "Do you see how good he looks? And his basketball skills?" She wows, falling even harder for a guy she has never spoken to. Barely.

"You're only here to watch him?"

"Of course. Aren't you here to do that too?"

"Since when?" Yuri gave her a look of disgust. "You're the one that likes him. Not me."

"You liked him too." Minju was stumped. "Even more than I do."

Yuri has done worst in the first year of high school. Things no one could ever imagine.

"It was pointless liking him. He's untouchable. What's the point? I'll lose to every girl here. But maybe not you."

The brunette smacks her shoulder. "He's untouchable, that's why I like him. No one else can go near him with the same thinking of yours." She smiles.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say. It's been two years and I still don't know how you've never spoken to him before. Yet, all you could see was him. Love does wonders." Yuri shakes her head in disappointment. She worries her friend might get hurt if Minhyun gets a girlfriend that's not her.

And she'll have to deal with a vicious one-sided breakdown.

When Minhyun faces the sidelines after he scored, girls screeched at the top of their lungs, swinging their arms and hands in the air.

Minju just couldn't stop shaking her dear friend who was starting to get dizzy.

A teammate went to Minhyun's ear, whispering something. Minhyun looks in the direction of Minju who was freaking out when he shot a smile.

"He looked at me!" Fainting was a great option.

Yuri taunts, folding her arms. "He didn't, you're hallucinating." She looks to her other side to see a tall girl a few rows behind them.

Sprucely straightened brown hair let down to her waist, elegantly clapping for the players. She had a glowing smile that could blind many guys. A smile that could unblind the visually impaired.

Jang Wonyoung. Even her name says it all. She has everything at this young age, she basically won at life.

She won young.

Minju frowns when she noticed. "Have more faith in me."

"I don't have any. Never did. That's your competition. A girl who talks to him more than you ever would. I think you should give up." Yuri's words were all true but Minju chose to ignore them.

"I'm not giving up."

"You should have that mindset for your studies."

"Oh, as if you're any better." Minju rolls her eyes.

Minju walks into class, sipping on her banana milk. She lets out a huge sigh in her seat as she reaches for her pink notebook beneath her desk.

A smile made its way onto her lips as she remembers what happened a few minutes ago.

Minhyun opened the fridge for her after taking his drink out. The smile that came with it sent fireworks through her heart. And his pleasant voice that said thank you.


Before she could write down the happiest moment in her life, she felt a piece of paper.

It was a letter.

Love letter? She wonders when she saw a heart at the corner. Could it be?

She quickly opens it, unfolding the paper that had endless paragraphs written on it.

"To Kim Minju. If you do not pass on this letter, your whole life will be filled with mishaps and everything unfortunate you can think of. A student once ignored this letter and died the next day. Not only that, his mom and dad have suffered..." She continued reading to the end, eyes widening.

It's a cursed chain letter which is believed to make prophecies come true. Everyone in the school knows about this. A superstition meant to be followed.

"Pass this letter to five people or you'll be doomed and never find a lover in this day of age. You have three days."

Minju flinches out of her seat, terrified.

"Minju-ssi. Please sit down." She didn't even realise class has started.

What an embarrassment.

A loud groan could be heard in the room from a girl who has yet to go to sleep. The only source of light was a petite lamp on the study table.

Minju's fingers were all up in her hair, staring at the letter she received yesterday. "Who do I send this to?" She takes a new piece of paper.

The door swings open and in flies a shirt that landed right on top of her head. "Please sort out your own clothes!" Her older brother blurts, slamming the door.

Minju clenches her jaw, shaking the shirt off her head. "He'll be the first one." She wrote with much anger, potentially ripping the paper.

The next morning came. Minju has to send another four. Some may say this was total bullshit, but for her, it could mean a lot of things.

She's a believer in these things. Whatever happens, tends to happen for a reason.

When she steps out of her house gate, she looks at the neighbouring home. Just opposite her house.

A girl in a school uniform walked out.

Graceful, poised. A walking beauty pageant.

Minju narrows her eyes. It was Jang Wonyoung. Her little love rival, coincidentally, her neighbour.

Thinking of giving her the next letter, she slips it into the mailbox. She hesitated but had no shame. She didn't do it because she was jealous.

Maybe she was because Wonyoung was the it girl of the school and has the prince charming's attention. Actually, everyone's attention.

But also, she had to send all these stupid chain messages out and couldn't think of anyone else.

The brunette quickly ran away, not wanting to get caught by anyone who passes by.

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