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Sun high up in the sky, breeze swinging by. Sounds of trains hitting the rails resonates as the sliding doors open.

Wonyoung looks around, waiting for the girl who agreed to come with her. She glances at the clock in the station. It has been 10 minutes since the time they were supposed to meet.

They could've walked together but the brunette had something to do that Wonyoung doesn't question.

As soon as she lifts her head, Minju was seen doing a little jog to her. Well, that's Minju. Always late, but never absent.

"I'm so sorry." The brunette felt bad as Wonyoung stands up properly.

She smiles. "It's okay."

Minju calms her breathing from squeezing through heaps of people. "Which way?" Only Wonyoung knows where they're heading.

Minju follows the girl down the escalator. It wasn't entirely silent. Wonyoung asked if she has eaten and all the little conversations a pair of friends could possibly have.

Although it was a little strange for Minju to be here, she thought of it lightly and told herself to enjoy the day. It has been stressful preparing for exams. But she knows it must be a breeze for Wonyoung.

Wonyoung did a small glance at the brunette as they walked to the building at the top of a small concrete hill.

Minju turns to her, not sure where they were heading. She met with the latter's smile. "Where are we going?"

Wonyoung pointed to the top. "Just a few more minutes," she said. "Are you tired?"

"No. I'm good."

"Actually, it's a small exhibition," Wonyoung confesses. "My friend's."

Minju was certainly surprised. It's not easy to host an exhibition. You either have to be talented or rich. "Really?"

Wonyoung nods. "He pestered me to go. That's how the tickets end up with my mom." She snickers.

Minju envies. "How nice it is to have a supportive friend."

"I'll go to yours when you have one," Wonyoung utters, giving her an assuring nod. Minju smiles, liking how warm her words felt.

They reached the building, entering after handing the staff the tickets.

"This friend of yours must be really good." The brunette was astonished by the interior. It wasn't big, but there were a few art pieces on the white walls.

Yellowish lighting on dozens of masterpieces. Minju points around. "Your friend drew all this by himself?"

Wonyoung nods, also taking a look around. She follows wherever Minju was going since the latter seemed to be more intrigued than she is.

"Wow." The taller girl stopped where Minju did, in front of a big canvas that brought out the beauty of a sunflower.

Wonyoung diverts her eyes to the girl beside her, studying that little smile she had while admiring the painting. Minju was so into the painting, she didn't realise the presence of the guy beside her.

"You like it?"

Minju was slightly startled to hear a deep voice, turning to see who it was. She furrows her eyebrows when he looked slightly familiar.

Slicked back blonde hair, sharp monolid eyes, chiselled jaw, and a tall nose.

Wonyoung slaps his shoulder. "You're scaring her." He laughs, folding his arms. "Your friend?" He tilts his head, slightly narrowing his eyes at Minju.

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