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Minju walks along the field, snacking on some biscuits. It was gym time, but she really doesn't give a shit. Yuri didn't too. They did this so often, the teacher gave up. 

"I heard something recently."

"What?" Minju shoves an oreo in her mouth.

"Do you know Minhyun had something on with Yujin?" The brunette stops walking when all she heard was nonsense. "I'm serious, they know each other since middle school."

"What do you mean something? She literally hates his guts."

"Hear me out. I know it's not believable, but they were something." Yuri emphasises. "I was arranging files for the teachers the other day and came across student records. I found archives of yearbooks from the schools in the area and saw them in the same yearbook, from the same middle school."

"So what?"

"They were a couple, Min. They were even on one of the cover pages!"

Minju scoffs. That was alien language for her. "Do you not have anything else to entertain you? She doesn't like guys."

"Well, she did," Yuri states and realises Minju knew her personally. "You can ask her yourself."

"What for?"

"You guys are close."

"Close my foot. Close to losing my shit, yeah maybe."

Minju was in class, doing up Yujin's homework as usual. Her break times weren't a thing anymore.

She suddenly hears mutters entering the class, looking to see Wonyoung who had reddened eyes. Beside her was Nako, one of the girl's friends.

Minju wonders what made those eyes red, then realises, she was the reason why. She took her damn puppy.

"It's just a dog. Maybe her owner took it back?" Nako gently pats Wonyoung's back.

Minju hid her guilt, staring at the workbook.

The teacher, Mr Kim, stomps into class, smacking the whiteboard to get the student's attention. Although most of them didn't like his presence because of the way he loves shouting, they listened.

Mr Kim lifts an envelope. "Who did this?" He shakes the cursed letter.

"Looks like you guys have a lot of time on your hands, huh? Writing these useless things—exams are in..." He continues babbling his frustration as if a random curse letter affects him.

He's a big lecturer, students call him the Asian mom of the school.

Minju remembers. He was one of the recipients of the letters she wrote. So much for being anonymous.

"Whoever did this, meet me in my office," he said so sternly.


Minju quietly walks into the teacher's office, afraid she might get caught anyway with how careless she is in handling her own stuff. Well, Yujin already found out she was the one who sent the letter to her. How hard can it be for a teacher to do the same if he demands a bag check?

Mr Kim notices her and lets out a sigh. Minju stands in front of his desk, head hung low.

"I got an anonymous tip saying you did it." He said, starting his usual lecture. "Tell me the truth. I'm very understanding." He's really not.

"I'm here to help you. Why don't you ever listen, Yujin-ah?" A lady's voice came from another office cubicle, reprimanding a girl who wasn't listening.

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