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Minju tirelessly hauls her feet towards Yujin's class, carrying books that weigh a ton. She walks past the hallway filled with imbeciles of the school, coughing from cigarette smoke.

Teachers gave up on classes in this area. Graffiti on the walls, tables and chairs all over the place. Whiteboards are always filled with things other than school stuff.

Yujin leans away from the lockers in the corridor and takes the books from her. She pulls the lollipop from her mouth, aiming it at Minju. "Present for you."

The brunette rolls her eyes, walking away but Yujin stopped her. "A new one. You look like you're going to pass out." She shoves a new lollipop into her hand.

"All because of you," Minju speaks with gritted teeth. She had to stay up to finish those pages. Somehow, she wasn't afraid of Yujin anymore.

Turns out the latter's just ostensibly stupid and needed her so she wouldn't get expelled.

"Oh? What did you guys do all night?" One of Yujin's friends, Yuna, teases.

Minju stomps away, not wanting another second in this place. Yujin laughs at the way she exits. So dramatic. "Your type?"

Yuna folds her arms, head tilted. "She's kinda cute. I would go for her."

"Maybe in your second life." Yujin smacks one of the books into her arm, going back to class.

Minju runs out of her class with a textbook in her hands. She accidentally took Yujin's and is currently going to meet the girl. But she doesn't know why they're meeting at the back of the school where no one goes to.

Maybe Yujin didn't want to be seen with her. Minju thinks the same way. The last thing she wants is to get caught by Minhyun. Her reputation would go down the drain if that happens.

When Minju sees the latter leaning against one of the abandoned desks in front of the brick wall, she puffs out an angry sigh. "I could've just gone to your class. Why make me climb down four flights of stairs?"

"You desperately need some exercise with how weak you are. Can't even carry books." Yujin takes the textbook from her, shoving it into her sling bag. Why does she have her bag with her? Classes aren't over.

"Whatever." Minju was about to leave but the girl grabs onto her arm.

"Where are you going?"

"Class, duh."

"No." Yujin pulls her to stand in front of the wall. "You're coming with me."

"Wha—Ya!" Minju squirms when the girl tries to carry her onto the table.

"Don't move."

"Come on—"


"You'll regret not doing this while you're still in school. It's going to be fun."

The brunette stops her and comes up with an excuse, "I can't climb walls." Yujin wasn't listening as she lifts Minju up, letting her go on top of the table.

"I don't wanna skip classes." The brunette tries her luck.

"You're already late for most." Yujin joins her on the table, supporting her over the wall.

Minju was afraid of heights. But rebelling against the girl would guarantee her death more than falling from up there.


Minju walks behind the taller girl. "Where exactly are we going?"

Yujin had her hands in the hoodie pockets, glancing over her shoulder. "Somewhere fun. Your life seems boring. All you do is chase a guy who doesn't even want you."

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