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Yena strolls along the hallway and slips into Yuri's class. There she realises the girl wasn't in her seat, neither was Minju.

She sat in Yuri's seat and looked around, wondering where they went just to see Wonyoung and Yujin standing outside the class. "So those two got together." She concludes when she sees Yujin's arm around Wonyoung's shoulder. They were going somewhere but Yena couldn't be bothered.

She was busy missing Yuri who has yet to give in to her.

Nako turns around in her seat. "Jealous?" Yena nearly jumps out of her seat. She sat facing the back of the class.

She noticed the girl who was talking and sat properly. "May I help you?"

Nako laughs. "I'm Nako. Wonyoung's friend." She has also noticed the recent changes in class. Wonyoung meeting up with Yujin more often, Minju is always out of the class.

"I'm Yena."

"I know. Yujin's friend."

Yena was impressed to be noticed by others. "What's up?"

"Nothing. I was wondering if you were jealous."

Yena points at herself. "Me?" Nako nods. "Why would I be jealous?"

"They're all getting together but you're still waiting for Yuri."

"You're quite observant." The girl pushes her chair in, intrigued.

"I have nothing else better to do," Nako confesses. "I notice everything in this class. No one can escape my eyes. Like a CCTV."

Yena decides to take advantage of this opportunity. "Then do you know if Yuri thinks about me?"

"I'm not a shaman or a fortune teller. I don't do miracles nor do I read people's minds." Nako shakes her head at those expectations of hers.

"What miracles..." Yena tuts. "Then do you know where Yuri went?"

"Library," Nako said. "She's always studying. Shouldn't you know that?"

"Studying?" They've just ended mock exams not long ago. She didn't know Yuri was one to be studying without them.

"You should go find her. I heard something bad happened. Neither do I see her studying but she has been studying hard recently."

Yena was confused because Yuri seemed totally fine every other day, texting her happily. She does admit they don't have those in-depth, heart-to-heart talks. Just Yena being a clown most of the time.

She quickly heads to the library to find the girl. As she walks down the aisles, going through shelves, she saw no signs of Yuri.

She started off at the most popular place until she goes to the corners where no one usually goes to. The dimmest part of the library that wasn't filled with sunlight but with shelves of books and empty tables.

Since it was dead silent, she went on her tippy toes, trying to find Yuri.

She went from table to table, finally finding someone who was sleeping in the individual booths. The girl had her head on the table, books neatly placed in the corner.

Yena double-checks for the name on the books, confirming it was Yuri. "Why are you studying alone here..." She mumbles to herself, quietly grabbing a chair to join her.

Yena gently lifts the notebook from beneath the latter's arm so she would be more comfortable. Even though it was cold, she placed her jacket over Yuri, keeping her warm.

She knows Yuri's a heavy sleeper. She always falls asleep during their study sessions and it usually takes more than ten shakes or a loud blast of music to wake her up.

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