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Students had their eyes on an individual striding down the hallway like every other day. Minhyun was the centre of attention with a book in his hand as he makes his way to the library.

"How does he look this fine?" Yuna tuts in envy, wanting others to look at her the same way. She turns to her friend, Ryujin. "Should I start studying too? Maybe I'll be more appealing."

The girl hits her head. "You're retaking the year, stop dreaming."


Minhyun scans the whole library that was filled with students, eyes finding the person who made the corner of his lips curl up.

He quietly walks over to a certain brunette who was immersed in the book she was reading. Taking a seat beside her, Minhyun rests his chin on his palm and looks at her. "Do you live in this world or that world?" His voice startled the girl.

"You scared me."

"Just like that?" Minhyun sees what she was reading. "Is it nice?" Minju was reading romance fiction.

"Keeps my mind at ease." Unlike whatever that's going on in her life. "What did you bring?" These two like reading. Not expected of Minju, but she enjoys alone time. Now there's Minhyun to keep her company.

He showed her the book. Surrounded by idiots. "I heard this is nice." He opens the book. "I've only read a few pages."

"Am I an idiot to you?" Minju's question made him chuckle but she was totally serious. Why else would he be reading that?

He shakes his head. "Human behaviour," he said. "I find it interesting." Psychology books make him think. Minhyun loves thinking, probably the next favourite thing he does other than teasing the brunette.

Minju leans in to take a look at the categories people lie in. "Red, yellow, green, blue. That's how they classify people?" The guy nods.

Minju roughly understood and asked, "What person am I then?"

"A pretty person." His sweet words made the girl speechless. Minju's flustered look was what he lived for. "You're a Green person."

"I hate vegetables."

"Not that." He shows her how a Green person behaves. "You're friendly, thoughtful. Whenever you're asked to do something, you get it done no matter how long you take."

"I'm lazy?"

"Reliable." He puts it nicely. "In my opinion, Green people are the best people to learn from. Always calm and considerate. They put people before them when situations arise." Minhyun puckers his lips.

"Maybe because I'm Yellow that's why I have you." He tilts his head.

"What's a Yellow person?"

Minhyun holds up his pointer finger and thumb, placing them under his chin. "Charming." He winks, getting smacked in the shoulder. "You don't like it?"

"I guess I liked it when I see you from afar. Now that I see it from here..." She shakes her head. "Corny."

"Corny?" Minhyun laughs, getting shushed by the librarian. He softly apologises, seeing that funny look on Minju's face. "But it's true." She couldn't agree more.

"They think it's true." Minju points behind her. The guy looks to see a few juniors waving at him.

"You were once like that." Minhyun insisted.

"When?" Minju found him ridiculous.

"You don't think I see you jumping whenever I have a match? Out of everyone, you're the only person I saw." He gently squishes her cheek.

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