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4 years later...

"I want you to capture us fully but with the guests around. Make sure to include the view behind the altar..." A lady busily tells her plans to Minju who took down everything she said, adding some pointers. 

Minju has been a freelance artist for the past two years after she graduated from university. Some may say she's quite popular, getting asked to do many live drawings.

She's currently talking to a client who wants her wedding painted live. It's taking a while since she wanted all the little details in the biggest moment of her life.

Minju constantly gazes at the clock hanging on the wall of the cafe but she makes sure she doesn't miss out on anything.

"I think that's about it. I'm really looking forward to seeing the end result." The lady smiles in satisfaction as Minju closes her notebook. "Thank you so much." She takes the brunette's hand giving it a shake.

Minju just wanted to leave. She was already running late.

"I'll see you at the venue in a month." The lady takes her bag and gets ready to leave.

Being polite, Minju waited till the client goes off before dashing to her car. Her father's car to be exact. "I'm screwed." She quickly starts the engine and puts on her seatbelt.

What exactly was she screwed for?

She was about to be late for Yujin's graduation ceremony.

The four years went by smoothly. Although there are a few fights in between, everything gets solved within a day or even a night. None of the fights lasts till the next day.

Yujin was accepting, Minju was forgiving.

They both knew what was wrong and always figure things out. When they have an argument, they refrain from bringing the past arguments, preventing that snowball effect. That only happens when perfect communication exists. Close to perfect.

At the end of the day, all they had was each other. Fights happen but they're not meant to last.

When Minju reached the school, she parks the car nearest to the convention building where the graduation is held. There were a lot of cars but she managed to find a spot.

The moment her feet touches the ground, she ran. She ran like she was about to miss a concert. She didn't stop till she reaches the door to the hall.

Taking a few deep breaths, she opens those big velvet doors, quietly entering. She realises they were already in the midst of handing out the degrees.

As if perfect timing exists, she was just in time for the film department. Minju sits down at an empty seat as her eyes busily look for Yujin.

Why can't I see her? Minju was seated at the very back. But when the screen starts showing a short clip of a student's work, she recognises whose it was.

Titled The One I Want, the short cinematic video showed two girls skating in a rink, going on little dates. Then comes a part where one goes abroad to study, leaving the other behind. There were tears as solemn music plays. But they soon found each other again when their lives were on the right path, ending with the scene of sunrise.

"The One I Want was an award-winning short film by a student who started a little late but ends at the top. Life is always full of uncertainties but good will always come as portrayed in her film. All because of her passion and love for film, she's where she is now. Let us invite all the students who have worked hard for the past four years, bringing us astounding projects." The MC announces and gestures for the students to come on stage.

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