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The mall after school is always filled with people. Even on Wednesdays, Yujin wonders if people come here for the sake of killing time.

She's alone today, strolling past stores. Why is she alone?

Wonyoung has academy, Minju's sending her brother to the military and Yuri and Yena were out.

Sometimes, Yujin misses the fights she gets into. She always wins and it was fun for her. Sadistic much.

She went into a bookstore, trailing her eyes over the array of books until she gets to the gift section. Her sole purpose for coming here is to get a gift.

For who?

"What is surprising?" She flattens her lips, picking out an ice globe that was made in the shape of a frog. "Are frogs trending lately?" She questions the frequency of her spotting frog-related items.

She puts it back and walks more. But nothing caught her eye. "I should've just asked her to come. But at the same time, it wouldn't be a surprise anymore." She sighs, not worrying about being seen as a crazy person talking to herself.

She goes out of the store, taking a view of what stores there are in this mall.

Soon she found herself going to the highest level, slowly making her way down to the lowest.

It has been an hour and she finally found something.

At a pharmacy.

"This is perfect." She lifts a tiny box of bandaids, smiling. It might only be plasters but there were cartooned frogs designed all over it. It even comes in different sizes.

Since Minju gets injured a lot, it's the perfect gift. She can use it too. Practical.

A little girl around the age of four came beside her. "Can I have that?" She points at the box Yujin was holding.

The taller girl looks at the shelf, realising she was holding onto the last one. She looks at the girl who pleaded with those big eyes of hers.


The little girl pouts. "I love frogs. They're my favourite animals. It's the last one here, they're limited edition. I must have it."

"Why must you have it?" Yujin couldn't believe she was talking to a kid. She feels a lot like Minju. Maybe this is what Minju was like when she was young, she thought.

She watched as the girl's eyes lost their spark, the corner of her lips winding down. Disappointment splashes all over her face.

"Fine, fine. You can have it." Yujin gave it to her. That just means she'll have to continue searching.

When the girl smiled, Yujin didn't know whether she should feel unfair or delighted the girl got what she wanted. Watching the toddler run off, she sighs.

Not even a second later, she came back, shoving a lollipop into Yujin's hand. She happily ran off again, leaving her bewildered.

"I guess kids aren't so annoying." She unwraps the candy, puts it into her mouth and walks out of the pharmacy.

She went to every store possible but left empty-handed. "This is not my day." She swirls the lollipop in her mouth.

A girl suddenly gets in her way, making her stop. "Hm?"

"Do you wanna check out our latest promotion?"

"No thanks." Yujin excuses herself but walks back when she notices the board and a small basket she was holding. "I get to pick whatever I want and fit it into this small basket for a fixed price?" Her eyes went to the nametag with the name Kang Hyewon engraved on it.

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